Board Bulletin | Minnesota Board of Social Work Newsletter

Message from the Executive Director

As 2020 nears an end, we recognize what a year it has been with a global pandemic, tragedies, and extreme challenges.  Now is the time to reflect on our collective resilience and innovation as we each continue to navigate this new world.  We have seized opportunities to create new ways to sustain our missions, conduct business, deliver services, and be responsive to those we work with and serve.   Collaboration and innovation have been essential.    

The COVID-19 pandemic required us to pivot and adapt.  Amazingly we can take stock in some positive outcomes as we met the challenges.  Even in the midst of COVID chaos and a suspended Legislative session, the Board was successful in garnering unanimous support for the BOSW 2020 Legislation, signed into law by Governor Walz on May 12.  The new legislation reduces unnecessary licensing barriers, improves license mobility, creates more flexibility, and integrates increased use of technology - all vital in this new normal.  The Board adapted to virtual methods to conduct business.  For the first time ever, the Board is meeting virtually for board and committee meetings, resulting in a cost savings, and increased public participation.  Board members have remained active, engaged, and productive.  Staff continues to telework, per State guidelines, at least until the end of June 2021.  New virtual tools have allowed staff continued collaboration and service delivery to customers.  The Board responded immediately following Governor Walz’s Peacetime State of Emergency in mid-March, to approve variances for licensees, under the BOSW Statute, to temporarily remove the limit on virtual supervision and continuing education, and extend license application deadlines.  The Board worked collaboratively with the Governor’s Office on the implementation of several Executive Orders.  All these efforts were intentional responses to ease the burden on licensees and citizens due to the pandemic, while still maintaining standards for social work practice. 

We now look to 2021, with a vision of renewed hope for positive change, innovation and improved health for our communities.  In 2021 the Board will embark on several key strategic initiatives and events, including:

In closing, while we reflect on the challenges and accomplishments of 2020, there are opportunities for growth, change, and collaboration which will propel us forward in 2021 to take on new and exciting initiatives.  The BOSW is committed to its mission of protecting the public, while fostering a diverse and inclusive licensed workforce to meet the needs of our diverse citizens.  It is my honor, as Executive Director, to express many thanks to our great BOSW staff, board members, licensees, and partners for your dedication and perseverance to meet our goals of serving Minnesotans!    


Best regards,

Kate Zacher-Pate signature

Kate Zacher-Pate LSW
Executive Director