The last several months have presented countless challenges for all of us on both personal and professional levels. The word “unprecedented” as a description of the recent and ongoing times very quickly lost its emotional impact for me. There were very few scripts to draw on to inform our responses as we were challenged to reinvent our daily lives, professional practices, and service delivery models. Following Governor Walz’s safety protocols, BOSW staff shifted to telework, and both staff and board members now rely on virtual methods to accomplish our work. I am very proud and appreciative of how well staff and board members have adapted to this new environment and truly appreciate everyone's patience during this "business not as usual" time.
And yet, while crisis brings with it raw emotion, amazing stress, and extreme challenges, it also presents opportunity for growth and change. It can provide a window in which to see our resiliency, compassion, humanity, and community. Navigating these times underscores the critical importance of the social work profession and the hundreds of thousands of licensed social workers across Minnesota and the nation who rise to the challenge to serve clients, families, and communities. Thanks to all licensees for stepping up to meet so many needs!
These crises have also brought new opportunities for collaboration across systems at national, state, and local levels. The BOSW very quickly recognized the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic and took action, along with Governor Walz’s Office, the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), and the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), to develop innovative solutions to mitigate the impact on applicants, licensees, and the public. The BOSW acted to ease the in-person requirements for providing licensing supervision, continuing education, and fingerprint criminal background checks to allow for safe social distancing. The BOSW also responded collaboratively with the Governor's office and other licensing boards to implement a registration system for telehealth practice across state lines to increase access to needed services. In addition, time extensions were granted to applicants for licensure due to COVID-19 interruptions to testing centers. The BOSW recognized that it was critical to respond to facilitate “relevant regulations” while still maintaining standards during these uncharted times.
Going forward, in addition to managing the impact of COVID-19, there is much work ahead to recognize and address the issues of systemic discrimination and create important constructive change in our communities. The recent events related to the unjust death of George Floyd truly underscores the importance of practicing the core values of inclusion and equity. Respect, peace, and compassion are needed to create common ground.
In closing, the BOSW is committed to our mission of protecting the public, while fostering a diverse and inclusive licensed workforce to meet the needs of our diverse citizens. We strive to continue to deliver services and recognize and appreciate everyone’s patience and continued ethical responses to help ensure the safety of the clients and communities we serve during these extremely challenging times.
Best regards,
Kate Zacher-Pate LSW
Executive Director