May 7, 2020

RE: Business Water Line Flushing

The City of Baker Water Company wants to caution businesses preparing to reopen after being closed due to COVID-19 to assess/flush their facility’s water system of stagnated water.

We are excited about your return to the community. While returning, The City of Baker wants ALL customers to follow the appropriate safety measures. Those measures include tasks such as cleaning and disinfecting touch surfaces.

The City of Baker Officials also want customers to be aware of things that may happen to their water due to COVID-l9, such stagnant water. Stagnant water can cause a few things to occur such as, water discoloration and elevated Legionella, copper, and lead levels.

When water is stagnant within the plumbing system for an extended period, the water may develop the rotten egg smell or have a metallic taste.

Larger businesses may already have a process in place that is taken care of by the maintenance department however, smaller businesses may not.

Below are a few things the City of Baker suggests for ALL businesses:

The City of Baker also recommends businesses to view the attached guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for how to safely manage a building’s water system and devices after a prolonged shutdown.

You can view the CDC’s guidance on the next page or by visiting the website below.

If you are unsure how to fix, please contact the City of Baker at 225-775-5584 and we will be more than happy to guide you through the process.

Kelvin Ridgley, MBA, Director of Public Works