The commission allows one hour of continuing education for reading this newsletter! To qualify, please take the quiz below. Keep the completed quiz with your other continuing education certificates of completion. 

If you are audited, provide the quiz along with your other proof of continuing education and you will receive one hour of continuing education under WAC 246-817-440(4)(b).  You are allowed 30 minutes for every hour of self-study continuing education.  Completing this quiz will be counted as 30 minutes toward your continuing education requirements. 



1. All health care practitioners are required to follow the new opioid prescribing checklists provided by the Department.

A. True

B. False


2. Which of the following would NOT qualify a practitioner to be waived from complying with electronic prescribing laws?

A. Technological limitation

B. Economic hardship

C. Time constraints


3. Facilities, entities, offices or provider groups with ____ or more prescribers must demonstrate the ability to integrate their electronic health records systems with the Prescription Monitoring Program.

A. 1

B. 5

C. 10

D. 15


4. Unnecessary antibiotic use contributes to preventable harms such as:

A. Antibiotic resistance

B. Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) infections

C. Allergic reactions, or

D. All of the above




The answers for the November 2019 Continuing Education quiz are:

1. B               2. A               3. A               4. C