2020 Legislative Session About to Begin—BOSW Proposal Moving Forward!
As BOSW has communicated to stakeholders since January of 2019, the Board is proposing noncontroversial, technical, and housekeeping changes to the Social Work Practice Act during the 2020 legislative session. This proposal is the culmination of two years of work by board, staff and stakeholders to update the Social Work Practice Act.
The House bill was introduced on January 31, 2020, and the Senate bill was submitted for introduction on February 6, 2020!
For complete information, including a side-by-side comparison and summary of the proposed changes, and bill language, visit the 2020 Legislative Proposal page on the Board's website.
Continue reading for a summary of House and Senate action to date, social work professional organizations formally supporting the proposal, and what to expect as the 2020 legislative session begins on February 11, 2020!
House of Representatives Action To Date
Senate Action To Date
Support from Social Work Professional Organizations
What’s Next?