MMR Vaccine Exemption Law Change 2019

In 2019, the Washington State Legislature passed a bill that removes the personal and philosophical option to exempt children from the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine required for school and child care entry.

The law took effect July 28, 2019. It applies to public and private schools and child care facilities. The law removes the option for a personal-philosophical exemption to the MMR vaccine requirement for schools and child care facilities. It also requires employees and volunteers at child care centers to provide immunization records indicating they have received the MMR vaccine or proof of immunity.

The Department of Health and its partners are working on interpreting the law, are creating new forms, and will continue the work of helping parents and the public understand the safety record of vaccines and the critical role they have in saving lives.

This article contains quick information and resources on this change to school and child care immunization requirements. Find more detailed information in the department’s Frequently Asked Questions page.

Law Change Quick Facts