Melrose Promenade Project Updates
Construction updates: September 9, 2022 This week, we finished installing the new accessible curb ramp on the NE corner of E Denny Way. We’ll return later in the project to install accessible curb ramps at the remaining corners of the intersection. Thank you for your patience during this work!
Next week, we’ll start reconfiguring the Olive Way I-5 on-ramp at Melrose Ave. This will require a 5-day closure of the Melrose Ave entrance to the on-ramp starting at 8 AM on Monday, September 12 until 5 PM on Friday, September 16. There will be a signed detour for all vehicle types to the Mercer St I-5 on-ramp. Passenger vehicles may still access the Olive Way on-ramp using this detour. Please exercise caution when traveling through the area.
Olive Way intersection improvements We’re excited to get started on the first phase of work to reconfigure the Melrose Ave and Olive Way intersection. To improve safety at this complex intersection, we’re:
- Realigning and straightening the freeway on-ramp
- Adding curb bulbs and marked crosswalks to the west side of the intersection
Building new curb accessible ramps
These changes will create a safer, more comfortable intersection with clearer crossings, more visibility and space for people walking and rolling, and more clarity for people driving through the intersection. We’ll be building these improvements in phases throughout project construction.

What to expect during construction Please use caution when traveling through active construction areas and follow all posted detours. Construction schedules are always subject to change based on weather, materials availability, and crew availability.
During construction, you can expect:
Temporary closure of the Melrose Ave access ramp to I-5 NB at Olive Way. Detour provided.
Temporary parking restrictions
- Temporary sidewalk, lane, intersection, and crossing closures
- Weekday working hours from 7 AM – 5 PM
Weekend working hours from 9 AM – 5 PM
Noise, dust, and vibrations during work hours
Construction equipment and materials staged in the work area
Questions or want more information?
Thank you! Thank you in advance for your patience during construction, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments.
Candace Goodrich Melrose Promenade Project Outreach Lead (206) 529-4295