National Night Out Returns to Redmond on August 6

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NNO 2024


June 3, 2024

Jill Green, Redmond Police Department Public Information Officer

National Night Out Returns to Redmond
on August 6

REDMOND, WA - Redmond community members are invited to register neighborhood parties for the National Night Out by Tuesday, July 23, to ensure a visit from Redmond police officers, firefighters, emergency management, and elected city officials. This year’s National Night Out is Tuesday, Aug. 6, from 6 – 9 p.m.

The annual celebration helps build community and strengthen relationships between residents and first responders.

Redmond police officers, firefighters, emergency management, and elected city officials will visit as many registered neighborhood parties as possible during the event.

“We encourage community members to plan gatherings with their neighbors and invite us to share in the celebration,” said Redmond Police Chief Darrell Lowe. “National Night Out allows us to learn more about the people we serve and build stronger connections.”

When registering a neighborhood party, community members may request a visit from any participating department and elected officials.

Neighborhoods must register by Tuesday, July 23, to ensure a visit at

To learn more about National Night Out's history, visit To reach the crime prevention team, email



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