Work begins on water service replacements as part of the 2023 Paving Program.
Please follow all traffic control direction.
Week Ending June 16, 2023
Multiple Sites - Please refer to the site map below
- Water service replacements are underway at Site 3 - 180th St SW
- ADA curb ramp construction has begun at various locations.
- Site 3 - 180th St SW and 64th Ave W
- Site 6 - 49th Ave W and 192nd St SW
- Site 7 - 43rd PL W and 41st Ave W off of 188th St SW
The City and the Crews appreciate the communities patience during construction!
For more information regarding the 2023 Paving Program please visit the webpage at
 2023 Pavement Program Sites Map
For more information on this project visit the project website. And follow us on Twitter @LynnwoodStreets.
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