Sunday is Mother’s Day, and the weather should be beautiful! For those of you who have the ability, please give your mother a big hug and let her know how much you love her!
“There is no way to be a perfect mother… but a million ways to be a good one.”
- Unknown –
Last week I inadvertently left out the quote, so here’s what I should have shared with you
“Today you could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart. So whatever you do today, do it with kindness in your heart.”
- Unknown -
 It finally happened! After months of hard work, Junior Achievement of Washington unveiled the JA BizTown City Hall following an amazing ribbon-cutting ceremony Tuesday morning.
The City of Auburn is thrilled to partner with Junior Achievement by opening Auburn City Hall as one of the simulated storefronts at JA BizTown. This new space represents the City of Auburn as it is today – colorful, vibrant, full of life, creativity, and energy.
 The City Hall features Valley Regional Fire Authority and the Auburn Police Department, where students will learn about community engagement and safety, and the “Explore Auburn” tourism board, where students will learn about tourism and marketing.
The most fun job in BizTown (at least I think it is) is being the Mayor of the City, with the important leadership role of guiding the citizens through the day’s activities - including voting, making announcements, and leading town hall meetings.
What is really exciting about this partnership is that not only do the kids get to experience what it’s like to run “a” city, they can now run the best “a” city - Auburn!
 Junior Achievement also has a special partnership with the Auburn School District with its commitment to allow every 5th and 7th grader to experience JA BizTown and JA Finance Park programs.
We look forward to partnering with Junior Achievement and helping students learn the basics of financial literacy through this experience – how money works, how to make a personal budget, and how to balance their needs and wants. This learning experience also helps local students discover potential career paths and how to prepare for entering the workforce. Finally, they learn what it takes to build a business and achieve their vision, and we are excited to help educate the next generation of business owners and entrepreneurs in our community.
 Financial education is critical for building strong communities, especially among underserved populations. Young adults with financial education are more likely to save, less likely to max out their credit cards, more likely to pay off credit cards in full each month, and less likely to be compulsive buyers.
Thank you Junior Achievement for allowing us to share this space and for your commitment to Auburn’s future stars!
 It's Public Service Recognition Week at the City of Auburn, and that means celebrating our wonderful Team Auburn who each and every day, works tirelessly to to ensure the wheels of our city keep turning.
It's Public Service Recognition Week at the City of Auburn, and that means celebrating our wonderful Team Auburn who each and every day, works tirelessly to to ensure the wheels of our city keep turning.
To express our gratitude, we decided to commemorate in style -- literally. Monday was Crazy Socks Day, Tuesday, Team Sportswear Day, Wednesday, Concert T-shirt Day and Thursday, Ice Cream Day!
Here are some of my favorite photos from the week.
Googly eyes make everything better!
Go Hawks!
Looks like someone is in their Eras era
Never a dull moment with Parks Director Daryl Faber
Hello, Dolly!
Councilmember Hanan Amer showing her crazy sock spirit!
What's recognition without a little ice cream?!
 On Monday, The Auburn Police Department promoted Officer Josh Gustafson to the rank of Sergeant.
Sergeant Josh Gustafson grew up in Bonney Lake, Washington, and later attended and graduated from Sumner High School. After high school, he went to Central Washington University where he graduated with a degree in law and justice. In December 2013, Officer Gustafson was hired by the Auburn Police Department. He has served as a patrol officer for the past 10 years, including several years as a field training officer.
A big congratulations to Sgt. Gustafson for his continued hard work and dedication to the Auburn Community!
 Also on Monday, we celebrated Auburn Police Chief Mark Caillier's 30-year anniversary with the City of Auburn. I tried to confirm if we can expect another 30 years of service, but he seemed a little mixed on the idea.
Chief Caillier has been a police officer since 1991 and was hired by the Auburn Police Department in 1994.
Mark served as a Patrol officer, Major Crimes Detective, Field Training Officer, EVOC Instructor, SWAT Officer, and a K9 handler prior to being promoted to Sergeant in 2007. Mark supervised the Major Crimes Unit from January 2011 to November 2013 when he was promoted to the rank of Commander. As a Commander, Mark supervised the Patrol Division and Inspectional Services Division. He is a past Team Leader for the Valley Civil Disturbance Unit and was a lead supervisor for the Valley Independent Investigations Team.
 Mark holds a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice from Washington State University. He is a 2017 graduate of Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command. Mark is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs. He was promoted to Assistant Chief on August 1, 2018, and then was sworn in as Chief on October 4, 2021.
Congratulations, Mark!
 Councilmember Hanan Amer and I had a great time Saturday with Kent Mayor Dana Ralph at the Kent-Auburn and Tamba fundraiser, where we raised funds to support our sister city program.
Tamba, Japan, has been a sister city with Kent and Auburn since 1969! Each year, several Kent and Auburn youth are selected to serve as Youth Ambassadors to Tamba.
These ambassadors travel to Tamba for 8 to10 days in the summer. There, they live with host families, giving them a personal experience of Japanese culture. Upon their return, they host their Japanese "brother" or "sister" in their home in Kent, or Auburn for 8 to 10 days.
Strong friendships are formed and the youth from both countries benefit from learning what makes us the same and what makes us unique. Mayor Ralph was part of the program while she was in high school and spent a year in Tamba. This fundraiser ensures we can keep this program going well into the future!
Join us in celebrating #JewishAmericanHeritageMonth! Discover, explore, and celebrate the vibrant and varied American Jewish experience from the dawn of our nation to the present day. This month, we honor Jewish Americans — past and present — who have woven their experience and accomplishments into the fabric of our national identity.
As we celebrate the rich heritage of the Jewish American community in the City of Auburn, we recognize that American Jews have worked tirelessly to strengthen the promise of religious freedom and civil rights in the United States by joining together with all faiths to reject ignorance and intolerance, teach empathy and compassion, and root out hatred where it exists.
 In Auburn, we LOVE our teachers! Which is why it's so easy to celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week this week and every week!
I'd like to give a special shout out and a special thank you to the Auburn School District and all the wonderful, dedicated, passionate and exceptional educators on staff.
We are so fortunate to have such remarkable, creative and caring professionals who not only teach, but inspire and enrich the lives of our youth.
 May is #AANHPI Heritage Month! Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders have been creating American history since before the Constitution was penned.
On Monday, the City of Auburn celebrated this rich cultural history with a proclamation, stating that the City of Auburn seeks to recognize the diversity of its community and afford all residents the opportunity to better understand, recognize and appreciate the rich history and shared experiences of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders.
We recognize the significant contributions and accomplishments of generations of Asian Americans and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander individuals in the arts, education, sciences, government, sports, and economic development both across our state and in the city of Auburn.
Please join us in this special observance!