Auburn Senior Center Weekly Schedule

Auburn Senior Center

Check out the programs this week. You will find links to all Virtual Programs  at the bottom. Go to our Facebook page for more content; interesting articles, fun contests, staff videos, and much more. 


Virtual Programs on Zoom

Monday- NO Mindful Mondays at 11am - CLOSED FOR PRESIDENT'S DAY

Tuesday- Happy Hour with Staff at 4:00pm

Join Online:

To Join by Phone: (253) 215 8782 - Meeting ID# 880 1830 8114  Password: 723459

Wednesday- Game: BINGO at 11:00am

Join Online: 

To Join by phone: (253) 215-8782 - Meeting ID# 897 2592 4956  Password: 530663

Friday Support Group at 11am: Must contact Jennifer to join. 253.288.3146

COVID Vaccine Resources 

Auburn Senior Activity

Center's Facebook Page

(You do not have to an account to view the page)

Auburn Senior Activity Center  I  253.931.3016  I