The WTW TV station airs the morning news each Thursday. View the November 5th episode on YouTube.
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday, November 6th - Confirm intent for in-person or virtual instruction
Monday, November 9th - Underclass Pictures (see story below)
Wednesday, November 11th - Veteran's Day, 2 hour early release
Monday-Friday, November 16th-20th - Senior Portrait Dates (see story below)
Monday, November 23rd - Underclass Pictures (see story below)
Monday, November 30th - Underclass Pictures (see story below)
In this Issue
ACTION Item 1. Confirmation of Intent for In-Person or Virtual Instruction TODAY, November 6th 2. Underclass Photos - Sign Up
NEW News 3. Message from Dr. Floyd 4. WTW Operation Patriot 5. Social Justice Book Club News 6. FAQs for New Activities & Athletics Registration Site 7. Grade Book and Report Cards 8. College & Career Center News 9. Nominations Open for Outstanding Employee Awards
PAST News but still important 10. Math Center Now Open 11. Woodson Writing Center 12. Summer Residential Governor's School Application Information 13. Senior Portrait Days in November 14. FCPS Laptop Tech Support Hours at WTW 15. Parent Technology Help Desk 16. Senior Baby Yearbook Ads 17. Order the WTW 2021 Yearbook
1. Confirmation of Intent for In-Person or Virtual Instruction
We are asking families to confirm their decision made in July as to whether or not your student will return to school in-person (on Tuesday, January 26th) or will remain virtual until the end of the school year. Please know that the decision you make needs to be the right one for your family; do not allow others to tell you differently. Your decision from July is recorded in SIS which you can access from your ParentVUE account by looking under Student Info and scrolling all the way to the bottom to "Return to School Responses."
If your circumstances have changed, please contact us no later than Friday, November 6th by filling out this Google Form. If you are changing your decision from virtual to in-person learning, we will try our best to accommodate your request based on the availability of staff and space. This form must be filled out by Friday, November 6th at 6PM, or your original choice from July will stand.
2. Underclass Photos
Woodson will have underclass yearbook photos taken by Lifetouch on Monday November 9th, Monday November 23rd, and Monday November 30th from 8:00am until 3:30pm.
Please sign up for a time slot using this Sign Up Genius Link , and we ask that you enter the students name that shows in SIS and not a nickname or parent/guardian name.
On your scheduled date for your yearbook photo, please arrive at Woodson HS and enter the parking lot via Whitacre Road. Then proceed towards the front of the building and around the side to Entrance 5. There will be signs indicating which way to enter and staff will direct you accordingly.
We ask that everyone in the vehicle wear a mask and remain in the vehicle until a staff member motions for the student only to exit and proceed to the Health Check-in table. Once complete, a staff member will direct the student into the Aux Gym, where photos will be taken. Students will exit the building through Door 6.
Parents will receive an email when their student's image is available to view and order.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Paula DiSalvo or Dan Checkosky
Senior students stop for a photo op at the Fall Senior Parade.
NEW News
3. Message from Dr. Floyd
Good afternoon Woodson Families:
This has been an unpredictable week within an unpredictable year. Thankfully, the weather looks lovely this weekend; I hope you and your family or social bubble/pod are able to get outside to enjoy what could be our last mild weather for several months.
Please remember today is the last day to complete the Google Intent Form if you wish to change your July decision of learning location from in-person to virtual or from virtual to in-person. We need your responses by 6PM tonight. We cannot make changes after this time due to the planning required to implement concurrent instruction.
Coming soon! Woodson High School will engage in the concurrent instruction model pilot program later this month. Students who have opted for in-person learning and who have more than one of the teacher volunteers will be invited to join us in this adventure. Those families whose child meets the criteria will be contacted in the next day or so through the eNotify system. We are excited to pilot this instructional model in our own building with our own staff! Updates will be available as the pilot progresses.
Please remember Wednesday, November 11th will be a 2-hour early release day. We will finish instruction at 12:55PM. In addition, FCPS School Board passed a change to the calendar making Wednesday, January 20th, Inauguration Day, a holiday for all staff and students. This aligns with the Fairfax County Government’s calendar as well.
Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe, stay connected and stay healthy!
Dr. Floyd Principal
4. WTW Operation Patriot
On Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11th, students at Woodson High will meet virtually with wounded warriors from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and other Military Medical Hospitals, along with other military Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan War. This event is hosted by Operation Patriot, a student-led organization at Woodson.
Please contact the Club sponsor Mr. Chris Rosebrock at, if you would like to participate in these virtual visits. Students are encouraged to post thank you videos and thank you cards on the Operation Patriot Instagram page at WTW.OperationPatriot.
 The Key Club is also coordinating a canned food drive benefiting Food For Others. Donations can be brought to the collection bin at Door 18.
5. Social Justice Book Club News
The Social Justice Book Club will meet on Thursday, November 19th, beginning at 7 PM. Chapters 7, 8, and 9 will be the focus of the discussion around the text, How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi. A link will be sent via email. If you have any questions, please email Dr. George Hewan at
6. FAQs for New Activities & Athletics Registration Site
FCPS activities and athletic programs has transitioned to a new online student registration system. This new system offers a host of benefits for schools and community members including:
- One stop shop for registering your student for athletic programs and many common activities occurring throughout the school year
- Electronic submission of the emergency care card and weight room waiver- only have to fill these out once!
- A new home for the state-mandated concussion education program.
Frequently Asked Questions-
If I already turned in paperwork (Emergency Care Form and Concussion Ed), do I need to submit again through the Registration site? Yes. We need to have everyone resubmit their information and training through this new portal.
When registering my student, the physical date I see is a date from last year or it is not there at all. Do I need to turn one in again? If you have not turned in a sports physical that is dated after May 1, 2020, to cover this 2020-21 school year, then yes, you still need it turn one in. Either scan the completed physical to the Athletic Trainer, Chris Hogge at, mail it to Woodson, or drop it off in the Main Entrance of Woodson. Once received, and once we upload the dates into the system, the current 2020-21 physical date should show.
What if my student changes their mind about which sport to try out for? If your student decides they want to try out for an additional sport that was not originally selected on their registration, you will need to log back in and update/add the sport.
When do I need to submit the online registration by? Online Activity Registration is required before the first day of try-outs for your specific sport/activity. However, Paper copies of the Emergency Care Form will be expected for out of season work outs for this school year only. In the future, we anticipate using this portal for all ECC submissions.
If you have any further questions, please contact Chris Hogge, athletic trainer at or Alexa Pugnetti, administrative assistant at
 Senior students stop for a photo op at the Fall Senior Parade.
7. Grade Book and Report Cards
The SIS Grade Book and Report Card modules in ParentVUE and StudentVUE will be closed through Wednesday, November 11th at 6 a.m.
Report cards will be available to view in ParentVUE on Friday, November 13th and mailed the week of Monday, November 16th.
8. College & Career Center News
Please follow us on Twitter and Instagram @wtwcareercenter.
The weekly College & Career Center Newsletter is emailed to students and parents on Mondays. It is also saved in Naviance under Document Resources – College & Career Center News for you to access at your convenience. Don’t know how to navigate Naviance? Check out this tutorial: Exploring Naviance YouTube Video
Please email me at if you have any questions!
9. Nominations Open for Outstanding Employee Awards
Nominations are now open for the Woodson Outstanding Employee Awards! These nominations are the beginning of the process that will end in the recognition of the Fairfax County Outstanding Employee Awards in an amazing celebration in June. We definitely want one of our staff members to be one of the representatives!! To submit a nomination for a Woodson Outstanding Employee in one of the categories below, please complete the nomination at
You may nominate an employee in one or more categories. All that is required for a preliminary nomination is to complete the form by explaining how the employee demonstrates exceptional work in the criteria noted. The link has more information regarding the criteria for each of these awards and the eligibility requirements are below.
1. Outstanding Teacher/librarian: At least (3) three years’ experience. 2. Outstanding New Teacher/librarian: less than (3) three years’ experience. 3. Outstanding Leader: At least one year in position. Example of positions eligible - Assistant Principal, Director of Student Activities, or Director of Student Services. 4. Outstanding Professional Employee: At least one year in position. Example of positions eligible - Safety and Security Specialist, Technology Specialist, Assessment Coach, Career Center Specialist, Psychologist, Social Worker, SOSA. 5. Outstanding Operational Employee: At least one year in position. Example of positions eligible - Administrative Staff, Safety and Security Assistant, Custodial Staff, Food Service, IA's, Parent Liaisons.
Nominations for Woodson Teachers & Staff are due by Friday, November 24th. Please feel free to nominate in one category or all of them it is up to you! Be as detailed as possible as your nomination will be used to complete the nomination packet for the selected staff member to move forward in the county nomination process. If you have any additional questions about the categories or which category a specific staff member should be nominated in, please e-mail me at
PAST News - Still Important
10. Math Center now Open
Need help understanding your homework? Finding out where you went wrong on a test? Comprehending what you learned last math class? Math Center is here to help you! Even Coronavirus can't stop us from helping YOU with math! Test your knowledge and practice for the math section of the SAT on the SAT Questions of the Week page. Learn about new mathematicians every month on the Mathematician of the Month page. For more information, watch the video below or go to the About Us page. Find out fun facts about our tutors on the Meet the Tutors page.
- Students can find the Math Center link at the top of the CAV KIOSK.
- Set up an appointment for tutoring on the Math Center’s Make An Appointment website. We are open Tuesdays & Thursdays during the 2nd half of Learning Seminar and Lunch on Tuesdays & Thursdays. We are also open the first half of 5th period for Academy students who have a travel period or students with a study hall/release period.
- Starting November 12th, students may also come to Math Center for tutoring via a BB course titled: WHS Math Center 2020-21 (Walk-in Appointments). Within the site, students will find a BBCU link to join.
We will be closed on Thursday, November 5th for maintenance. We hope to see you on Tuesday, November 10th. Please visit our google site!
Please email Mrs. Bell at with questions!
11. Woodson Writing Center
The Woodson Writing Center will be opening for tutoring beginning 2nd quarter. Students will see the Writing Center BlackBoard site added to their BlackBoard courses shortly. Everything they need to sign up for a tutoring session and meet with a tutor is right there.
Students will be able to meet a tutor on Mondays between 10am and 2 pm as well as during unencumbered returns. After students schedule a time through the BlackBoard site, they will use the BBCU link on the site to enter the Writing Center and work with a tutor in a breakout session. Students will be able to present their work so they can work through the writing easily.
Additionally, students will have access to the skills sheets which review some of the specific aspects of good writing, like an LRS introduction, smooth quote integration, and full commentary. We will also have video tutorials which review common issues, such as how to use a source and the basics of a good college application essay.
Teachers will be assigning students to tutoring sessions at the Writing Center in some of their classes, but students don’t need a required assignment to come. The Writing Center believes that good writing is a process, and the tutors are here to foster the thinking behind this process and support students at any stage of their writing. Regardless of the assignment or course, students will benefit from a Writing Center tutorial.
 Students shared this sign during the Fall Senior Parade on Monday.
12. Summer Residential Governor’s School Application Information
Students interested in applying to the 2021 Virginia Summer Residential Governor’s (SRGS) programs must complete the academic or the visual and performing arts interest form no later than November 9, 2020. No late applications are accepted.
The academic interest form is available for the Schools for Humanities, Math/Science/Technology, Medicine/Health, Agriculture, Engineering, and Marine Science.
The visual and performing arts interest form is available for the dance, instrumental music, theatre, visual art, and vocal music programs.
Additional information about the SRGS programs, application process, and timelines are found online.
If you have any questions, please contact Lizzie Walter at or Kathleen Guinee at
 Seniors getting ready for the Fall Senior Parade on Monday.
13. Senior Portrait Days in November
Lifetouch Class of 2021 Additional Senior Portrait Days Available 11/16/20 - 11/20/20
Lifetouch has added additional Senior Portrait Days for students in the Woodson Class of 2021 for the week of November 16-20.
Appointment times will not open for registration until 2 weeks prior to the first appointment time on November 16th (registration will open on Monday November 2nd. Each individual student must log in to schedule and then confirm their own appointment.
Lifetouch will be sending those seniors who have not yet taken their senior portraits a new appointment card. The appointment card will have a unique code assigned to each student and directs them to to schedule and then confirm the appointment selected. If you do not receive an appointment card by 2 weeks out from the first scheduled date, lost your appointment card or have questions, please call Lifetouch at 1-800-445-1189.
For detailed Senior Portrait Day information such as what to wear and where to enter the building, visit the Senior Class Information Page.
14. Laptop Tech Support Hours
If parents or students need FCPS laptop technical support at Woodson HS, the following must be completed:
- Submit a ticket using the FCPS Parent/Student Tech Support Portal,
- Schedule an appointment to come on-site, and
- Complete a health screening questionnaire prior to arriving.
Our onsite laptop tech support hours by appointment only are: Monday - 1:30 - 3:00 pm and 5:00-7:30 pm Tuesday - Thursday 9:00 am - 12 pm and 1:30 - 3:00 pm Friday - 9:00 am - 12 pm
Thank you, W.T Woodson HS Tech Support Team
15. Parent Technology Help Desk
To support families who are working with their children during distance learning, FCPS launched a new Parent Technology Help Desk. The number is 1-833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS). It will be answered by staff 7 11 p.m., seven days a week. If the help desk is unable to solve the issue on the phone with the parent or guardian, they will enter a ticket on the parent’s behalf and the request for help will be transferred to the appropriate FCPS team.
Parents or guardians who need help in a language other than English should let help desk staff know, and a interpreter will join them on the line. (FCPS also has existing parent information phone lines, available in eight different languages, that can assist with general questions about FCPS.)
FCPS has also set up an online portal to allow older students and parents and guardians to request technology help directly.
Get more information about the new Parent Technology Help Desk.
16. Senior Baby Ads for Yearbook
Looking for a personalized, memorable way to recognize your graduating senior? Want to capture memories with the friends you’ve made for a lifetime? Looking for a fun way to recognize your teammates or club members?
Parents, siblings, relatives, teachers, coaches, and friends of Woodson’s graduating Class of 2021 have an opportunity to purchase ad space in the 2021 edition of the yearbook!
There are many ad sizes available at various price points. Orders are being accepted now, and all ad space is sold on a first-come, first-served basis. So place your order early to reserve ad space for your graduating senior!
Visit and enter job number 5278. Choose “Buy a Yearbook Ad” to begin the process.
17. Order the 2021 WTW Yearbook!
The WTW yearbook is ready for orders!
I can’t imagine a more significant time to purchase a relic of history and to celebrate our Woodson Cavaliers!
To purchase a yearbook or to make an adorable ad for your graduating senior, go to and type in the code 5278. You can create an ad, buy a yearbook, or submit photos all in one place!
Please contact if you have any questions!
Mental Health Resources | 24/7 Emergency Numbers
If you are in crisis, text NEEDHELP to 85511, call 1-800-273-TALK, or dial 911; TTY dial 711
CrisisLink Regional Hotline: 703-527-4077 (CrisisLink is a hotline for individuals in crisis or family/friends seeking guidance for how to help a loved one)
Dominion Hospital Assessment and Referral Line: 703-536-2000
Inova Emergency Services: 703-289-7560
Mobile Crisis Unit: 1-844-627-4747
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-SUICIDE
Merrifield Center Emergency Services: 703-573-5679; TTY dial 711 (The Merrifield Center of the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board, offers a range of clinical programming. Emergency Services, staffed 24 hours per day, seven days per week, works with people in psychiatric crisis who need immediate attention.)
Plan D Nova (a website for Northern Virginia teens who suffer from depression: #breakthestigma)