In this edition
In Case You Missed It
Our last edition included these stories:
- CTE Career Success Stars Update
- High School Voter Registration
- Options for Transitioning to the 2023 Mathematics SOL
- Master Schedule Collection
- New Teacher Data Collection
- 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline on Student ID Cards
- Early Childhood Provisionally Licensed Teacher Incentive Program
- VWB5 Registration Deadline
- Child Care Teacher Incentives Video Released
- Reminders About Expiring Federal Education Funds
- ESSER II/III LEA Formula Funds State Data Collection Update
- Budget Adoption in GA Special Session I
Key Takeaways
- This edition has a number of important deadlines for divisions which are highlighted in the checklist, below.
- Executive Directive 5 outlines several steps for the use of Artificial Intelligence in education in the Commonwealth
- School construction loan period opens from Literary Fund.
- Virginia is elevating our non-teaching staff again with the RISE Award. Help elevate those in service in your schools with a video nomination.
- Title I allocations are now available
- Virginia Youth Survey to monitor health risk behaviors of middle and high school students will be administered this fall
This Week’s Checklist
- National ESEA Distinguished School nominations due 10/27
- National Board Certification Incentive Award Data Collection due 10/13
- Pupil Ridership Count is 10/16
- Fall SRC is due 10/27
- Annual Pupil Transportation Report is due 10/31
- Title IV reporting due 11/3
- New Director’s Academy conducted by the VDOE-SNP Office is being held in-person at the VDOE during 10/23-10/27
- RISE Award nominations accepted through 10/13
- VPI Fall Verification Report due 11/10
- The open application period for school boards and localities to jointly apply to VDOE for school construction funding is from Thursday, 9/21 through 5 p.m., Thursday, 11/16/23.

News from Across the Commonwealth
Blue Ribbon Schools
The National Blue Ribbon Schools program recognizes outstanding public and non-public elementary, middle and high schools. The program shines a spotlight on the best schools in the United States with the intent of sharing the best practices of outstanding schools across the country.
The Virginia public schools recognized as 2023 National Blue Ribbon Schools are as follows:
Exemplary High-Performing Schools:
- Fancy Gap Elementary, Carroll County
- W. Adams Combined, Wise County
- Union Hall Elementary, Pittsylvania County
- Williamsburg Middle, Arlington County
Exemplary Achievement Gap-Closing Schools:
- Edwin W. Chittum Elementary, Chesapeake
- Kettle Run High, Fauquier County
- Southside Elementary, Pittsylvania County
The Virginia private schools recognized as 2023 National Blue Ribbon Schools are as follows:
- Charlottesville Catholic, Diocese of Richmond
- Gregory the Great Catholic, Diocese of Richmond
- Trinity School at Meadow View, Trinity
Congratulations to these award winning schools!

Dr. Lisa Coons, Superintendent of Public Instruction
Good afternoon!
Since the announcement of All In Virginia I have had the opportunity to meet with leaders in all eight regions and discuss the significant challenges facing our Grade 3-8 learners. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with superintendents from every region, and I am grateful for the energy and passion our educators have consistently demonstrated across the Commonwealth. The VDOE team is eager to dig in shoulder to shoulder with division support to schools and school divisions across Virginia. Please visit our ALL In website for additional resources or contact us at any time if you have questions or need assistance. We have also received many great ideas for this website and will be building out new resources based on your feedback. Please watch for a new section of the newsletter featuring All In Virginia next week.
As a part of our #ElevateEducatorsVA initiative, I met with superintendents from Region 7 and representatives from colleges and universities in Southwest Virginia last Friday to discuss teacher apprenticeship opportunities as a part of the VDOE Grow Your Own (GYO) initiative. Virginia’s Grow Your Own (GYO) initiative is an educator preparation strategy focused on developing and employing individuals with a vested interest in education from within the local community. Designed to empower communities to develop solutions unique to their own local needs, GYO is focused on addressing the primary challenges—financial, recruitment and preparation—facing divisions attempting to fully staff their schools. We are looking forward to having more GYO conversations across the state. If you want more information on GYO, contact rob.gilstrap@doe.virginia.gov.
The GYO program offers local divisions sustainable funding opportunities through federal and state workforce sources to help them address their localized needs, fill staffing gaps, and strengthen schools—all from their community, for their community. VDOE remains focused on increasing the number of excellent educators throughout the Commonwealth, ensuring every child, regardless of school or classroom, has the teacher they need and deserve.
It has been a real honor to speak with so many of you in-person over the past few weeks and I remain excited about the work we will all be doing this year to accelerate the learning of our students. Thank you for your continued efforts to make a positive difference!
Governor Youngkin’s Executive Directive Number 5
On Wednesday, September 20th, Governor Youngkin issued Executive Directive Number 5, Recognizing the Risks and Seizing the Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence.
In this order, the Governor outlined several steps for education, including:
VDOE will release guidelines for Artificial Intelligence (AI) use in K-12 public schools. The department is working with a variety of stakeholders to finalize this guidance and will release in the coming weeks.
VDOE providing uniform standards for AI use. These standards will be incorporated into the 2024 computer science Standards of Learning.
VDOE will examine uses for personalized tutoring. More information will be provided through our weekly newsletter updates as more information becomes available.
VDOE will support programming that will ensure students are prepared for future careers involving AI technologies. Updates on these components in the computer science standards, CTE pathways, and revisions to the industry recognized credentials will be forthcoming.

News from our Content Specialists and Special Education
2023-2024 National ESEA Distinguished Schools Recognition Program
Audience: Superintendents, Directors; Federal Program Coordinators Contact: Latonia Anderson, Title I Specialist
School divisions are invited to nominate one eligible school for the 2023-2024 National ESEA Distinguished Schools Recognition Program. An eligible school may be nominated to represent one of the following categories:
Category 1: Exceptional student performance for two consecutive years
Category 2: Closing the achievement gap between student groups
Category 3: Excellence in serving special populations of students (e.g., homeless, migrant, English learners, etc.)
In order to qualify for the National ESEA Distinguished School award, the school must have:
A poverty rate of at least 35 percent for each of the two most current consecutive school years
Demonstrated exceptional academic achievement for two or more of the most current consecutive school years
Met full state accreditation for two or more consecutive years
School divisions wishing to nominate an eligible school must submit an application electronically by email (DOCX) to ESSA@doe.virginia.gov by 3:00 p.m., Friday, October 27, 2023. Additional information on the National ESEA Distinguished Schools Recognition Program can be found on this supporting document (DOCX).
National Board Certification Incentive Award Data Collection
Audience: Superintendents, Directors Contact: Shawna LeBlond, Grants Manager

School Performance & Support
Annual Pupil Ridership Count
Audience: Superintendents; Transportation Directors Contact: Kerry Miller, Director of Pupil Transportation
The annual Pupil Ridership Count is scheduled for the week of October 16, 2023. This information will be used when completing the Pupil Transportation Report for the 2023-2024 school year. This count should be conducted for five consecutive days that school is in session starting on Monday, October 16th. If your school division is closed anytime during this designated period, please use the following week to reach the five-day requirement.
During this week, school bus drivers count the number of pupils being transported by every yellow school bus each day. Conduct the count each morning and again each afternoon for every yellow school bus. At the end of the week, take the higher count of students from the morning or afternoon for each day of the week and calculate an average for the five days. Keep the ridership count separated by pre-K, non-public, regular, and exclusive ridership.
Annual Pupil Transportation Report
Audience: Superintendents; Transportation Directors Contact: Kerry Miller, Director of Pupil Transportation
The annual Pupil Transportation Report used in calculating pupil transportation funding through Basic Aid will be open for data entry on September 29, 2023. The Pupil Transportation Report application is located in the VDOE's Single Sign-on for Web Systems (SSWS). This data is required per the Board of Education’s Regulations Governing Pupil Transportation at 8VAC20-70-235. Funding for Pupil Transportation.
Please note that your school division’s Annual School Report Financial Section (ASRFIN) data must be submitted to VDOE before the Pupil Transportation Report can be completed. Pupil Transportation Reports should be submitted to VDOE via the SSWS portal by October 31, 2023.
2023-2024 Fall Student Record Collection
Audience: Superintendents Contact: Brittney Kanard, Education Data Specialist
To comply with state and federal statutory reporting requirements, VDOE is conducting the Fall Student Record Collection (SRC). The data collected on the Fall SRC should reflect students' enrollment as of October 1, 2023. The Fall SRC opens October 2, 2023. A successful submission is due no later than October 13, 2023. Superintendents must electronically approve the verifications no later than October 27, 2023.
For complete details about this requirement, access our 2023 Fall Student Record Collection Guide (DOCX).
Title IV, Part A, Required Federal Reporting
Audience: Superintendents, Directors; Title IV Division Coordinators Contact: Marsha Granderson, Title IV Coordinator
The collection window for divisions to report on their Title IV, Part A federal objectives and outcomes for the FY 2021 ESEA application will begin on Monday, September 25, 2023, and close on Friday, November 3, 2023. The collection window for the FY 2021 ESEA application will be conducted at the beginning of the 2024 calendar year. The specific open and close dates will be communicated at a later date.
All school divisions, including those that transfer 100% of Title IV, Part A funds to another federal program, must report in the Title IV, Part A Submission application. The division superintendent or designee must electronically verify the report in SSWS for final submission.
2023-2024 Title I, Part A, and Title I, Part D, Subpart2, Allocations under Provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as Amended
Audience: Superintendents, Directors; Title I, Part A and Title I, Part D Federal Program Coordinators Contact: Tiffany Frierson, Title I Coordinator and Gueringè Richardson, Title I, Part D Specialist
The 2023-2024 Title I, Part A, and Title I, Part D, federal allocations (XLSX) for each school division, the Additional Required Special Terms and Conditions for Grant Awards or Cooperative Agreements (DOCX), Terms of Grant Award for Title I, Part A (DOCX), as well as the Terms of Grant Award for Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (DOCX), are now available on the VDOE Title I, Part A, and Title I, Part D, websites.
The final school division allocations are based on the Title I formulas applied by the U.S. Department of Education and reflect adjustments made by the Virginia Department of Education to account for state-level set-asides and funding allotted for services provided through the private school services bypass agreement, as applicable. As required in Section 1122(c) of ESEA, the variable hold-harmless provision was applied to the allocations.
The amount of the Title I, Part A, allocation available through the reimbursement process as of July 1, 2023, is 41.69 percent, and the remaining 58.31 percent is available as of October 1, 2023. The total amount of the Title I, Part D, Subpart 2, allocation was available July 1, 2023, through the reimbursement process.
The procedures and forms for submitting an application for Title I, Part A, and Title I, Part D, Subpart 2, were previously provided to school division program coordinators. Applications were due on July 1, 2023.
Certification of Ineligibility to Participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
Audience: Superintendents, Directors Contact: Kelly Shomo, SNP Training, Program Improvement & Grants Supervisor
Eligible schools in local education agencies (LEAs) are required to participate in the At-Risk Afterschool Meals component of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Eligible schools are those with 50 percent or more of enrolled students qualifying for free or reduced-price meals in the National School Lunch Program and that also offer regularly scheduled afterschool enrichment or academic activities.
LEAs who are not eligible to participate in the CACFP must submit a Certification of Ineligibility to Participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program form to the VDOE Office of School Nutrition Programs (VDOE-SNP). The certification form must be signed by the division superintendent.
The certification form and submission instructions, along with additional information about the CACFP participation requirement, can be found in SNP Memo 2023-2024-17 on the VDOE-SNP website.
School Nutrition Director Hiring Standards, Professional Development, and the New Director's Academy
Audience: Superintendents, Directors Contact: Kelly Shomo, SNP Training, Program Improvement & Grants Supervisor
All newly hired school nutrition program directors (hired on or after July 1, 2023) must meet the minimum hiring standards and attend the New Director’s Academy. Professional standards for directors, including education requirements and annual training requirements, can be found in the USDA Guide to Professional Standards for School Nutrition Programs.
The New Director’s Academy conducted by the VDOE-SNP Office is being held in-person at the VDOE during October 23-27, 2023, in Conference Room B on the first floor of the James Monroe Building, 101 North 14th Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Participants must register for the training by completing the online registration form and must attend all sessions in person to receive credit for the training. Additional details about school nutrition director hiring standards, professional development, and the New Director's Academy can be found in SNP Memo No. 2023-2024-21 on the VDOE-SNP website.
Virginia Youth Survey to Monitor Health Risk Behaviors
Audience: Superintendents, School Principals Contact: Joseph Wharff, Director of Specialized Student Services
For the awareness of superintendents and school principals during fall 2023, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) in collaboration with the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth (VFHY) will administer the biennial Virginia Youth Survey to monitor health risk behaviors of middle and high school students. The random survey sample, determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, will include approximately 100 middle and high schools from five health planning regions across the Commonwealth.
Each survey is designed to be completed in 45 minutes or less. All surveys will be anonymous, and all participating schools and divisions will not be identified in the subsequent reports. Classroom teachers or other school personnel may administer the surveys, or a survey administrator will be provided. The staff from VDH and VFHY will contact the school division’s superintendent if a school is selected as part of the statewide random sample.
Please note that Code of Virginia § 22.1-79.3.C. requires school boards to notify parents of the survey not less than 30 days prior to its administration and provide pertinent information on its contents and a provision for parents to exempt their child from participating.
RISE Award Nominations
Audience: Superintendents, Directors, School Principals Contact: Adria Merritt
Schools and school divisions are not only successful because of teachers and school leaders, but also because they employ caring, service-oriented individuals who fulfill a multitude of roles, including technology support, school security, front office support, health services, and more.
VDOE, as part of its #ElevateEducatorsVA campaign, in connection with both the Virginia Secretary of Education Aimee Rogstad Guidera, and the United States Department of Education (USED), is proud to announce that nominations are open for the 2024 RISE Award. This is the fourth time USED will present state and national awards honoring school staff in support roles, including paraprofessional, clerical and administrative services, transportation services, food and nutrition services, custodial and maintenance services, security services, health and student services, technical services, and skilled trades.
“The purpose of the Recognizing Inspiring School Employees (RISE) Award is to recognize and promote the commitment and excellence exhibited by full- or part-time classified school employees who provide exemplary service to students in pre-kindergarten through high school,” according to the USED website.
Nominations are now open for the Virginia RISE Awards. Secretary Guidera and Dr. Coons will recognize two classified school employees (eligibility extends to any preK-12 school, including non-public schools) for exemplary service. The winners of the Virginia RISE Award, announced in December 2023, will then be advanced for consideration at the national level by USED.
Nominations are now being accepted through October 13, 2023 at 5 p.m.

Supporting Early Childhood Care & Education
Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) Reporting Requirements for Fiscal Year 2024 Due November 10, 2022
Audience: Superintendents; VPI Coordinators Contact: Tiffanie Meehling, Associate Director of PreK Programs
Divisions participating in the Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) will be reporting program and budget data for school year 2023-2024 through the Fall Verification Report, which is due on November 10, 2023. Please take time to thoroughly review this memo (DOCX) before submitting your division’s fall VPI Fall Verification Report via the Single Sign-on for Web System (SSWS) portal.
Through a focus on advancing effective interactions and instruction, VPI programs help ensure all Virginia children enter school fully prepared for success. The VPI Guidelines (DOCX) describe all programmatic requirements for VPI, and are available on the VDOE website.

Division Finance and Budgeting
Literary Fund Loan Open Application Period
Audience:Superintendents; Finance Directors and School Facilities Directors Contact: Kent Dickey, Deputy Superintendent of Budget, Finance, and Operations
VDOE is announcing the next open application process for school boards and localities to apply for school construction loans from the Literary Fund. $247.15 million in loan authority remains available. The open application period for school boards and localities to jointly apply to VDOE is from Thursday, September 21, 2023, through 5 p.m., Thursday, November 16, 2023. Completed loan applications not submitted by the deadline will not be accepted.
The Literary Fund loan application in Excel format is available for download. Completed Excel application files must be emailed to doeliteraryfund@doe.virginia.gov by the November 16th deadline. A hardcopy of the application form, with all original signatures and official raised seals, must be mailed to: Kent Dickey, Deputy Superintendent of Budget, Finance, and Operations, Virginia Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2120.
After the close of the open application period on November 16th, DOE staff will review all submitted applications against the Board’s guidelines and other Literary Fund requirements. Loan applications meeting all requirements will be presented at monthly Board of Education meetings for loan approval.
Additional information can be found on VDOE’s Literary Fund website.
Impacts of Potential Federal Government Shutdown on October 1, 2023
Audience: Superintendents Contact: Kent Dickey, Deputy Superintendent of Budget, Finance, and Operations
Congress is continuing negotiations on a continuing resolution that would prevent a government shutdown on October 1, 2023, the beginning of the federal fiscal year (FFY24). We wanted to provide an update on any potential impacts IF a budget agreement, continuing resolution, or other short-term spending plan is not adopted.
USED grants: On October 1, VDOE would continue drawing funds for LEA reimbursements from formula grants awarded prior to FFY24. The U.S. Department of Education grant management system would continue to operate “through a short-term shutdown” for drawing funds from these previously awarded grants. Please note that Impact Aid grants paid directly to eligible LEAs could be affected since those are reliant on FFY24 “current year” appropriations. New Impact Aid funding may not be available until FFY24 appropriations pass or a continuing resolution adopted.
School Meal Program funds from USDA: Since funds are provided via a letter of credit on a quarterly basis, a one quarter installment of funds would be available for meal reimbursements.
Child Care/CCDF grants from HHS: As of October 1, VDOE would continue spending previously appropriated on-going and pandemic CCDF grants and would not be immediately reliant on FFY24 appropriated grants. As a result, there is no expected short-term impact for these programs.
Career Opportunities at VDOE
VDOE is hiring! New positions listed include:
- IT Project Manager
- SNP Nutrition and Wellness Specialist
- Senior Policy Analyst
- Board Relations and Regulatory Liaison
- Press Communications Coordinator