Save the Date
Wednesday, July 26 from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. - The Annual Early Childhood State of the State Webinar.
Child Care Centers and Family Day Homes | Virginia Preschool Initiative | Early Childhood Special Education | Head Start | VQB5 | Early Learning
VQB5 Practice Year 2 Data Verification is Now Open Until July 28!
All sites that are receiving a VQB5 Practice Year 2 Quality Profile now have the opportunity to participate in a data verification process between July 17- July 28. Site administrators who participated in Practice Year 2, should log into their LinkB5 accounts to complete Practice Year 2 Data Verification by the July 28 deadline. Details about data verification are provided below:
Child Care Centers and Family Day Homes
Virginia Child Care Scholarship Program: Apply for Fall Semester College Courses Now!
If you would like to take college courses to enhance your career in early childhood, the Virginia Child Care Scholarship Program is accepting applications for the Fall 2023 semester. The scholarship covers tuition and technology fees for up to two early childhood (or early childhood degree-related) college courses per semester for eligible early educators. Fall semester applications will be accepted through August 1, 2023. To apply, click here or email vaccscholarship@doe.virginia.gov for more information.
Child Care Subsidy Program: Guidance Updates on Town Hall
Revised guidance for the Child Care Subsidy Program is now available on Town Hall for public comment. Click here to view the manual. Guidance will take effect August 3, 2023. The August 2023 guidance reflects technical revisions resulting from the annual review of the Child Care Subsidy Program Guidance Manual. Revisions are based on feedback from the field and local departments of social services. Written public comments will be accepted on Town Hall through August 2, 2023.
Health Inspections
In collaboration with the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), the VDOE is reminding providers that the Food Establishment Health form is only used by VDH when determining compliance with food regulations. A Report of Environmental Sanitation Inspection form should be used for environmental health inspections and determining compliance with non-food related health requirements such as water supply and sewage disposal. The Report of Environmental Sanitation Inspection form can be found on the Department’s website.
Virginia Preschool Initiative
VPI Local Criteria Eligibility Waiver for 2023-2024: Now Open, Closes August 15
This is the second of three application windows to submit the VPI Local Criteria Eligibility Waiver, which allows school divisions to request that more than 15% of their VPI slots use locally determined eligibility criteria. Each application is reviewed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and VDOE staff. To complete, ensure access to the application in SSWS by contacting your local SSWS manager.
All Waitlist Slots, 3-year-Old Slots, and Community-Provider Add-Ons Will Be Awarded
This means that any division that requested additional 3-year-old slots, waitlist slots, or community-provider add-on slots will receive them. The July 6 Superintendent’s Newsletter provides details on these awards.
SAVE THE DATE: VPI New Coordinator Webinar on August 15
The VDOE will host a training for VPI Coordinators new to their position for the 2023-2024 school year. Reporting timelines and other annual requirements will be reviewed. This session will be recorded and sent to all registered participants as well as posted to the VPI website after completion. Registration is required.
- Webinar: VPI New Coordinator
Date: August 15 at 1:00 p.m.
- Register
Early Childhood Special Education
Save the Date: Creating Connections to Shining Stars 2024
Creating Connections to Shining Stars (CCSS) is a collaborative effort between Virginia's Part C, Early Intervention and Part B, Preschool and Special Education programs. The conference will focus on promoting and supporting the implementation of evidence-based practices in inclusive settings for infants, toddlers, and young children. Call for proposals will open December 2023.
Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Service Delivery Model (IECSE) for Administrators: 3 Part Series
The Leadership in Effective And Developmentally-appropriate Services (LEADS) website provides statewide updates; tools to enhance the collection, reporting, and analysis of ECSE indicator data; and curated resources on topics related to ECSE, including building and sustaining quality inclusive practices in early childhood. A new resource includes this three-part video series and corresponding resources on the Itinerant Service Delivery Model. Register for a LEADS account to stay up to date on the latest resources.
Head Start
VQB5 - Virginia's Unified Measurement and Improvement System
Practice Year 2 Data Verification is now Open until July 28!
All sites that are receiving a VQB5 Practice Year 2 Quality Profile now have the opportunity to participate in a data verification process between July 17 - July 28. Site administrators who participated in Practice Year 2, should log into their LinkB5 accounts to complete Practice Year 2 Data Verification by the July 28 deadline. Details about data verification are provided below:
Early Learning Support
Reintroducing the ECE Resource Hub!
The ECE Resource Hub provides educators with increased support to better foster children’s developmental skills. The site provides educators free resources (organized by a topic of the month) to support children’s social and emotional needs... and more! Resources are specifically designed for infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children. The hub includes booklists organized by core skills, with read-aloud versions and lesson plans available within each section. Fresh tips and resources will be shared all summer long!
Register for the ECE Resource Hub Monthly Newsletter
The Summer - Ready B5 Recap is Here! Click to view the latest edition of Ready B5 Recap, the Quarterly Newsletter for Early Childhood Care and Education in Virginia.