Of Interest to All
Transition of Child Care and the Unification of Birth-to-Five Programs
The VDOE is excited to announce that as of July 1, 2021, the Division of School Readiness has expanded to include the oversight of child care. This means that the VDOE is now the Lead Agency for the Child Care Development Block Grant, and is responsible for Child Care Licensing. We are thrilled to welcome over 100 new VDOE staff members who have joined us from the Department of Social Services or as new hires, and will be working to support child care licensing and the administration of child care related programs.
Throughout the summer and fall, the VDOE will continue to update our website and format of newsletters to reflect our expanded audience. For information on the child care transition, visit the Building a Unified System Page. For information related to child care, either as a provider or a family, please visit Child Care VA.
Early Childhood Advisory Committee to meet on July 14
The Early Childhood Advisory Committee (ECAC) will meet virtually on July 14. This meeting will include an update on the child care transition, a review of child care licensing regulations that have been updated to align with federal requirements, and an overview of state efforts to expand access to child care assistance. The meeting will be livestreamed. Information and materials can be found on the Early Childhood Advisory Committee website.
Updates on VQB5 Practice Year 1
The guidelines for Virginia’s unified measurement and improvement system (VQB5) were approved by the Board of Education on June 17th. Programs participating in the Preschool Development Grant (PDG) will be the first to participate in Practice Year 1, during the 2021-2022 school year. To support program leaders and administrators with VQB5 Practice Year 1 activities, a new Implementation Guide has been developed and is now available on the Building a Unified Early Childhood System website, along with other information and FAQs about VQB5.
CLASS Observation Training
To help build local CLASS Observer capacity in support of VQB5, the Virginia Department of Education is sponsoring monthly PreK and Toddler observer training opportunities during Practice Year 1 (2021-2022). VDOE Sponsored CLASS Observer Trainings are open to Preschool Development Grant (PDG) lead agency staff; Site leaders who are participating in PDG and all School Division staff. The VDOE CLASS observation trainings will be free of charge, though all participants are required to take the reliability test at the completion of the training. A training schedule and details are available via the VDOE-Teachstone Observer Training Registration Portal.
New Process for Curriculum Reviews During VQB5 Practice Year 1
For Practice Year 1 of VQB5, curriculum is one of two focus quality measures for Virginia's new Unified Measurement and Improvement System. As a first step to support curriculum use in all programs, VQB5 will recognize programs that use an approved curriculum in at least one classroom.
Birth to five programs currently operating in Virginia that do not yet have an approved curriculum in use may be eligible for a comprehensive and expert-led review of their curriculum by the VDOE. Interested programs should first review the Overview of the Curriculum Process for Practice Year 1. The new, multi-level process begins with an interested program leader’s review and completion of the Curriculum Pre-Submission Checklist for Birth to Five Programs. Both of these resources will be posted on the VDOE Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction webpage during the month of July.
Note: Completion of the Curriculum Pre-Submission Checklist for Birth to Five Programs does not guarantee a comprehensive review will be conducted by VDOE. In 2021-2022, programs that are participating in Practice Year 1 of VQB5 or who are part of a PDG Community Network will be prioritized for a curriculum review.
Programs that do not have a curriculum that meet baseline criteria for a high-quality curriculum as listed in the pre-submission checklist should NOT rush to purchase a new product. Additional support in obtaining an appropriate curriculum will be forthcoming from the VDOE. Updates on this information will be posted on the VDOE Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction webpage and announced in future newsletter releases.
Early Childhood Curriculum Reviews in VQB5 Practice Year 1 Webinar- July 28
Program leaders who do not yet have a VDOE-approved curriculum in use and are interested in learning more about the new curriculum review process for birth to five programs should plan to attend the Early Childhood Curriculum Reviews in VQB5 Practice Year 1 webinar on July 28 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. This webinar will be recorded.
VKRP Expansion Updates- Regional Train the Trainer Sessions Begin This Month
Regional Train the Trainer sessions will be offered July-August for educators who will be serving as their division’s or program’s VKRP Trainer for the 2021-22 school.
Program representatives who were not able to complete the Train the Trainer sign-up form that was due on July 1 should reach out to the VKRP Training team for information on tailored teacher training options or other onboarding questions. More information on training and other important VKRP expansion topics can be found in the VKRP FAQs. Contact Tamilah.Richardson@doe.virginia.gov for general VKRP pre-K implementation inquiries.
Other VKRP Resources:
ECE Resource Hub Expansion: Free Social and Emotional Resources Now Available for all Birth-Five Programs
Work is underway to improve and expand the Early Childhood Resource (ECE) Resource Hub for all birth to five early childhood programs. Developed by researchers at the University of Virginia in partnership with VDOE, the ECE Resource Hub provides educators free universal resources to support students’ social and emotional needs. This collection of resources from high-quality sources is organized around a topic of the month. Sign up for the ECE Resource Hub.
The July update, Building Your Classroom Bookshelf, includes book lists that are organized by core skills (social, emotional, and self-regulation). Book recommendations feature diverse authors, illustrators and characters, an important step towards ensuring resources support diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) through representation. Learn more about the importance of representation in the UVA-CASTL’s (Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning) Equity Brief and their DEI Tool.
Final VPI Slot Allocations for 2021-2022
Superintendent’s Memo# 166-21 announcing final VPI slot allocations for the 2021-2022 school year is posted. The purpose of this memorandum is to confirm school divisions’ final number of allocated VPI slots and participation in any of the VPI expansions and enhancements that were requested in the May 15 VPI Spring Application (including redistribution of slots, requested wait list slots, pilot for 3-year-olds, and community provider add-on). Please note that the number of allocated slots for 4-year-olds and 3-year olds are funded and awarded separately and cannot be exchanged for each other.
Attachment A to the memo includes two tabs: 1) FY22 Final VPI Slot Allocations for each school division, and 2) Definitions (explanations for the slot allocations).
VPI Waiver to Increase Use of Local Eligibility Criteria
The second round of VPI Waiver to Increase Use of Local Eligibility Criteria is now available in SSWS. Divisions may apply for a waiver to serve more than 15 percent of slots through local at-risk criteria to meet the needs of more at-risk children in the community. VPI Coordinators must gain access to this new application in SSWS by requesting it from their school division SSWS account manager. Superintendents must approve the waiver application in SSWS. The Office of Early Childhood will accept applications via SSWS during three submission window periods.
- Projection 1: March 31 – May 15 (CLOSED)
- Projection 2: July 1 – August 15 (Now Open)
- Projection 3: September 1 – October 15
New VPI Coordinator Training Webinar - August 12
Are you new to the role of VPI Coordinator or do you know anyone who will be assuming a VPI Coordinator role in 2021-2022? The New VPI Coordinator Training Webinar is for new VPI leaders and will provide details related to administration of VPI and implementation of the VPI Guidelines. Please join us on Thursday, August 12 from 10:30 am until noon. The webinar will be recorded.
VPI Monitoring for 2021-2022 - Webinar on August 17
Given the unprecedented nature of the 2020-2021 school year, the VDOE suspended the normal monitoring process for VPI. An alternative monitoring process was put into place for all VPI programs. For the 2021-2022 school year VDOE will resume regular VPI monitoring with selected school divisions. A Superintendent’s Email was sent to division superintendents of selected school divisions with copies to associated VPI Coordinators.
A VPI Monitoring Webinar will be held on Tuesday, August 17th starting at 10:30 am. VPI Coordinators of selected school divisions are expected to attend and all VPI Coordinators are invited to attend. Participants must register in advance. The webinar will be recorded.
Monthly VPI Office Hours
VPI coordinators are invited to attend standing office hours the first Thursday of each month at 11am. This is a time for VPI Coordinators to join to ask questions or brainstorm ideas.
VPI Coordinator Community Connection Groups
For the 2021-2022 school year the Office of Early Childhood is introducing VPI Coordinator Community Connection Groups. This is an optional program that allows VPI coordinators to self identify their program in a variety of categories. The Office of Early Childhood staff will then create email lists for each group and share with the coordinators. This will allow VPI program leaders to connect with each other on a variety of topics such as: resource sharing, brainstorming/problem solving, sharing successes/challenges. Please complete the VPI Coordinator Community Groups Survey to join!
Fundamentals of Early Childhood Special Education Administration 2-Part Series (VDOE) - August 18 and August 25
The VDOE will offer the Fundamentals of Early Childhood Special Education Administration webinars. This two-part series is specifically designed for ECSE administrators who are new to their role and will provide an overview of the early childhood system and key elements related to implementing quality programs for preschool children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).
- Fundamentals of Early Childhood Special Education Administration 2-Part Series
- August 18 and August 25, 2021 from 11 am - 12:30 pm
- Register to attend
Creating Connections to Shining Stars 2021: On-Demand Option Coming Soon!
Did you miss the open registration for Virtual CCSS 2021? Registration filled so quickly BUT we have an exciting option coming soon! The Virtual CCSS 2021 keynote and all four concurrent sessions will be recorded and archived. An "On Demand" ticket option will be offered to allow access to those who were not able to register before capacity was reached. Watch for details in early August.
Two-Part Virtual Critical Decision Points for Families of Children with Disabilities Training (VDOE)
VDOE is providing a live, virtual training event, Critical Decision Points for Families of Children with Disabilities. The purpose of this training is to assist you in understanding these four things:
- What are some of the keys to your child's academic success?
- What decisions will you need to make regarding your child's educational path?
- At what point will you be making these decisions? In this training, we refer to these as critical decision points.
- What information will you need so that you can make the most well-informed decisions possible for your child?
Fall 2021: The Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Service Delivery Model Community of Learning
The VDOE is pleased to offer the Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Service Delivery Model Community of Learning in the fall 2021. The purpose of the Community of Learning (CoL) is to deliver targeted technical assistance and professional development to teachers endorsed in early childhood special education (ECSE) who provide services using the itinerant model. The application to apply will be made available in early August and will be due to VDOE by September 3, 2021. The first session will be held September 27, 2021.
- Fall 2021: Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Service Delivery Model Community of Learning
- More Information
Natural Resources Monthly Newsletter
The “Natural Resources” newsletters provide helpful resources related to an Early Childhood specific topic, varying each month. This month features the topic of Progress Monitoring in Early Childhood. Below are a few highlights from the newsletter, as well as a link to access current and archived Natural Resources newsletters.
For Head Start
Head Start Forward Training Series - Summer 2021
To support the Head Start Forward Campaign, the Office of Head Start (OHS) has coordinated a training series that will address service areas included in the current Program Instruction ACF-PI-HS-21-04 OHS Expectations for Head Start Programs. This training series will provide the latest OHS guidance and resources for Head Start programs in supporting the return of comprehensive services for children and families. The prioritized topics addressed will include enrollment, recruitment, selection, eligibility, attendance (ERSEA), mental health, staff wellness, health, safety, and equity. Moving forward the OHS would like to continue guiding Head Start programs in navigating program operations and administrative decisions that will continue to strengthen families. Save the date for the upcoming training sessions listed below:
- July 14, 2021, 1 pm - 2:30 pm Mental Health and Staff Wellness
- Aug 4, 2021, 1 pm - 2:30 pm Health and Safety Considerations
- Aug 25, 2021, 1 pm - 2:30 pm Showcase of Grantee Best Practices on In-Person Services
Cultural Competency Training
The Head Start State Collaboration Office in partnership with Early Childhood Mental Health VA is offering a free virtual Cultural Competency training presented by Dr. Anjali Gowda Ferguson. This targeted training will help educate key staff about the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and the intersectionality of racism and trauma that affect the most vulnerable children and families. The training is scheduled for July 19, 2021, from 9:00 am - 11:30 am, offered in a cohort setting of 25 participants. We encourage Head Start Health Specialists, Mental Health Specialists, or Education Specialists to attend.
Registration is required to participate in this training opportunity. All training materials will be forwarded to participants prior to the scheduled training. For any questions regarding online registration or content of the training should be directed to Taundwa Jeffries, Director of the Head Start State Collaboration Office, by email at Taundwa.Jeffries@doe.virginia.gov.
EC in the Spotlight
Highlight on PDG B-5 Communities
Virginia’s federal Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) is focused on accelerating the development of an equitable early childhood system that delivers stable, affordable and quality early care and education for the state’s families and children, particularly those who are most vulnerable and will benefit the most.
PDG B-5 Communities are continuing to lead the way in building a unified and collaborative birth-five system. This month, PDG communities are focused on:
- Welcoming communities in the Greater Virginia Peninsula area as the third PDG cohort. PDG is now available in over 80% of Virginia’s cities and counties - see updated map.
- Preparing to support programs with the PDG registration process via the LinkB5 data portal.
- Using the Coordinated Enrollment Self-Assessment tool to better understand local enrollment and access issues.
- Supporting the distribution of the Summer 2021 Workforce survey to educators. This survey is designed to better understand the experiences and overall wellbeing of current and former early childhood educators in PDG.
- Beginning the first practice year of the Unified VQB5 system which will focus on measuring and improving the quality of interactions and curriculum in birth to five classrooms.