DoD Cyber Crime Center (DC3)
Office of Public Affairs
Released April 4, 2023
Linthicum Heights, Md.–The Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Crime Center (DC3) DoD-Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Collaborative Information Sharing Environment (DCISE) hosted more than 120 DoD and DIB cybersecurity professionals at its 2023 Spring Technical Exchange (TechEx) at Boeing Regional Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, on March 22-23.
This year’s TechEx included 15 presentations focused on the latest trends in adversarial cyber threats, lessons learned, and industry best practices. The featured newspaper-style theme, dubbed The DIB Daily, was complete with DCISE Director Mr. James Hadley acting as its “Editor-in-Chief.” Mr. Hadley emphasized in his opening remarks the importance of bringing together government and industry experts to remain ahead of global adversaries in cyberspace.
Since its establishment in 2008, DCISE has served as DoD’s central point of reception for all cyber incident reports affecting DIB unclassified information systems and networks to safeguard DoD information. TechEx brings together subject matter experts from government and across industry to promote collaboration and enhance protection of DoD information residing and transiting across contractor unclassified systems and networks. Industry entities in attendance hear from U.S. Government cybersecurity experts, engage with their industry peers, and develop technical capabilities. DCISE is uniquely positioned to facilitate public-private partnerships in a way that allows competitors to become teammates in the rapidly evolving mission of national security.
Looking to the future, DCISE seeks to foster open communication and information sharing between the DIB and government and among DIB partners to ensure an environment of crowd sourcing protection. Security comes through unity, and unity propels success at an exponential rate.
For more information about DCISE, visit