Cargo Systems Messaging Service
CSMS # 60232154 - UPDATE: Integration of the AD/CVD and Entry Summary Data Universes in ACE Reports – New Date for AD/CVD Universe Retirement
As a reminder, the Entry Summary data universe has been updated to include all data elements that exist in the current Antidumping and Countervailing Duties (AD/CVD) data universe in ACE Reports. Concurrently, all standard AD/CVD reports listed in the AD/CVD Entry folder in ACE Reports have been repointed to the Entry Summary universe. As a result, users will no longer have to try to create reports that use both the Entry Summary and AD/CVD universes.
The AD/CVD universe is now scheduled to be retired on Thursday, May 2, 2024. Ahead of that date, users should repoint any saved reports that use the AD/CVD universe, or a combination of the AD/CVD and Entry Summary universes, to the Entry Summary universe.
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