Our work to reset and refocus on our purpose, values and ways of working is continuing. Thank you to everyone who attended one of our engagement events over the last few weeks – all your feedback is being used to drive this work forward.
We’re using everything we’ve heard through the engagement that’s happened so far, and everything we’ve heard over the last 2 years to develop a set of draft proposals that will describe:
From 12 March, we’ll be inviting you to review these drafts and give feedback on them.
We’ll be doing this through a secure and anonymous online platform where you can add comments, respond to what other people are saying and vote to tell us where we’ve got things right or what we need to change. The platform will be open until 26 March.
What to do if you are a registered person in a health or social care provider
If you are a registered person in a provider we regulate (for example, registered manager, nominated individual, or partner) you don’t need to take any action as you’ll be signed up automatically to the platform.
You’ll receive an email with your username and password, and instructions on how to log in.
Use these details to log in and then provide your feedback on our draft proposals from 12 March.
For anyone else
We want to hear from as many people as possible. If you work in health or social care, use these services or have an interest in effective regulation, we would like your feedback.
If you want to get involved, you can create an account on our online platform today. Use an email address and create a password to set up your account. Once you’ve done this, you’ll receive an email letting you know when you can start sharing your thoughts from 12 March.
Our purpose is to make sure people receive safe and effective care, and to help providers improve.
We know that we lost focus on this while we were transforming the ways in which we work. Because of this, we are now taking immediate action to:
make sure we can publish reports in a timely way
increase the number of assessments
clear our registration backlog
act promptly on information of concern and notifications.
We also know that providers and other partners want us to work in a consistent way, to be treated with respect, and for our teams to have an in-depth understanding of the services we regulate.
To enable us to do this, we are also working to:
make sure we have the right values that guide our work
develop a set of behavioural expectations for how we’ll work together in CQC and work with providers, the public and stakeholders.
We’re calling this work the CQC Way. This work will run alongside and support the other improvement work we need to deliver.
We’re committed to developing this work in genuine partnership. We will be co-designing every aspect of it with our colleagues, providers, the public and other stakeholders.