We have appointed Professor Aidan Fowler as interim Chief Inspector of Healthcare covering Secondary and Specialist Care and Primary and Community Care. Aidan is currently National Director of Patient Safety in England at NHS England (NHSE), and a Deputy Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).
Aidan is expected to be in the role for 6 months, on secondment from NHSE, while permanent Chief Inspectors are appointed. Aidan takes up the Interim Chief Inspector role from 24 February 2025. Chris Dzikiti, who is currently interim Chief Inspector of Healthcare, will become Interim Executive Director of Operations and Executive Lead for Mental Health.
The recruitment process for a permanent Chief Inspector of Hospitals and a Chief Inspector of Primary and Community Care is ongoing.
On 26 February the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Wes Streeting MP, named Professor Sir Mike Richards CBE as his preferred candidate for next Chair of CQC.
Subject to approval by the Health and Social Care Select Committee, Mike Richards will take over from current Chair, Ian Dilks, once his appointment ends.
We welcome this announcement and will issue a full statement following the Committee's pre-appointment hearing.
 Help Improve Mental Health Services for Black Men!
We invite you to contribute your expertise to an important research project aimed at improving mental health services for Black men. Commissioned by the Care Quality Commission, this study seeks to improve access, experience, and outcomes for Black men within mental health services. University College London (UCL) is conducting this qualitative research through interviews to gather valuable insights that will help guide improvements.
We are recruiting interview participants from key stakeholder groups, including mental health services, to share your views.
We are particularly interested in hearing from professionals working in mental health services—such as those in community groups, early intervention, or psychiatric wards—to participate in a 30-minute online interview between February and March 2025.
If you are interested in participating, please contact ailey.mcleod@ucl.ac.uk or e.beecham@ucl.ac.uk at UCL. If you would like more information, please contact yen.truong@cqc.org.uk at CQC.
We look forward to your involvement.
 Share for Better Care Week launched on this week, our joint national week of action with Healthwatch England and other partners aims to encourage people to have a stronger voice in their care.
Jacaob Lant, National Voices has supported with a further and the National Dignity Council have produced a new .
provides you with all the information and assets you’ll need to get involved and encourage people to share their experience of heath and social care.
 Researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine are conducting an evaluation of the UK’s Adverse Weather and Health Plan (AWHP). The AWHP was created by the UKHSA in 2023 and aims to protect individuals and communities from the health effects of adverse weather.
The evaluation is focusing on how the AWHP is being implemented in local health and social care organisations in England and includes a short survey to understand awareness and use of the AWHP and/or similar local plans. The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete.
This evaluation is targeting frontline NHS and social care staff and managers, local authorities, service delivery staff and the voluntary sector. If you are part of one of these groups, please consider filling out the survey to share your views.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Dr Beth Jakubowski.