CQC | Provider Information Return update

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The independent regulator of health
 and social care in England

20 November 2018

Dear colleague,

Care Quality Commission Provider Information Return update

In August we gave you an update on the development of a new digital system for the Adult Social Care Provider Information Return (PIR) and work we were undertaking to understand what we needed to do next to deliver a system with the right benefits for providers and CQC. We remain committed to delivering a system that allows us to share the information we gather between CQC, providers and partners, and reduces burden on providers and CQC.

Throughout September we undertook a thorough review of the project to identify how close the system was to those benefits and to inform proposals for taking the project forward. The review revealed that there is more work for us to do to ensure the system delivers the benefits we want for providers and CQC particularly so it allows more frequent and a two way exchange of information.

As a result we have decided to undertake additional work early in 2019 to better explore how we can best collect information from providers to deliver these benefits. We are currently scoping the timetable for undertaking this additional work. Whilst this work continues we will explore how we can ensure we collect the right information from providers to enable our effective regulation of the sector and will keep providers updated as we develop our plans.

We recognise that progress on this project has been slower than we expected. Development of this project has been a learning process for CQC and we will be taking forward an evaluation of the project to identify where we can improve and will be using these insights to develop how we deliver change programmes going forward. We remain committed to delivering services that meet the needs of providers and CQC staff and delivers clear benefits for both groups.