Department News
This professional development session is a free self-paced online course that is intended to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of the definition and purpose of child find and requirements for Local Education Agencies (LEAs). The training will provide an overview of child find, outline the key child find populations, and define LEA responsibilities, including: written board policies and special education operating procedures; public awareness programs; coordination activities with other agencies; notification to families; targeted outreach to primary referral sources; special education referral procedures, including screenings; maintenance and reporting of accurate data, and professional development and training for staff.
A reevaluation must occur at least once every 3 years, unless the parent and LEA agree that it is unnecessary. A Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED) is part of any reevaluation and is a process to identify what, if any, additional data is needed to determine eligibility and/or programming. Participants will examine regulations related to reevaluations, review the process for conducting a REED, and determine best practices of a comprehensive reevaluation. The recording of the live webinar presented on May 20th will be posted by the end of May.
A very small population of students with significant cognitive disabilities may not yet exhibit an authentic academic response. The purpose of this free, self-paced online training, worth 4 continuing education credits, is to give educators the information and tools to work towards building an authentic academic response with those students. Within this course, the educator will:
- Be able to create a thorough present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) statement for students with No Authentic Academic Response
- Be able to write standards-based individualized education program (IEP) goals and implement data collection methods for students with No Authentic Academic Response
- Be able to shape an intentional response for students with No Authentic Academic Response
- Be able to identify best practices for working with students with No Authentic Academic Response
- Be able to recognize Authentic Academic Responses
The following documents were created by the Texas Sensory Support Network to provide guidance for Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) students:
Communication Assessment: This guidance document will assist the assessment team as they gather data to determine a student’s communication needs.
Considering Least Restrictive Environment when Determining Placement: This guidance document describes components that needs to be considered before an admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee can determine placement for DHH students.
Eligibility for Special Education: This guidance document provides information about determining the presence of DHH disability and educational need.