May 2024

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May 2024

Thanks for subscribing to D Economy, where you will read the very latest about economic development news, events, and programs in the City of Dallas.

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Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson cuts the ribbon at the launch of the Tanzania trade office. (Photo: Dallas Int’l District)

Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson cuts the ribbon at the launch of the Tanzania trade office. (Photo: Dallas International District)

Mayor Opens Tanzanian American Chamber of Commerce

Leaders gathered at the Prism Center in the Dallas International District on Monday, May 6, 2024, for the official opening of the national office of the Tanzanian American Chamber of Commerce (TACC). The office will promote trade and tourism between Tanzania and the United States. The Tanzanian American Chamber of Commerce is the third chamber or trade office to be opened in the Dallas International District in the past two years and is a significant step towards collaboration between Dallas and Tanzania, furthering the city's global presence and strengthening relationships with international allies. This initiative aligns with the International District's strategy to enhance foreign relations through increased trade, cultural exchanges, and foreign direct investment.

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Dallas Seeks to Further its Position as a Hub for Media Production

On May 22, City Council approved the designation of the
City of Dallas as a Media Production Development Zone
(MPDZ), taking advantage of a state program to attract and
grow media production companies within Texas through a
sales tax incentive. Additionally, City Council nominated
South Side Studios Dallas, LLC (SSSD), located at 2901 Botham Jean Blvd, as the first official media production location within the zone, as it undertakes a renovation project to convert a warehouse into a state-of-the-art Studio Production Facility with an LED virtual production stage, and three separate sound stages.

Once approved by the Texas Film Commission and the
Texas Comptroller’s Office, SSSD would benefit from a two-year exemption from sales and use taxes related to the expansion and keep Dallas as a prime location for diverse media projects, including film, television, and digital media.

In Case You Missed It

El Rio Grande Latin Market Breaks World Record for Avocado Display

El Rio Grande

Dallas's own El Rio Grande Latin Market, located at 3035 N Buckner Boulevard, holds a new record for the largest fruit display in the world. The store recently showcased 260,292 avocados, weighing a total of 86,764 pounds, surpassing the previous Guinness World Record of 77,365 pounds.

Incentive Inquiry Tool

Do you need help determining the best incentive program for your project? 

Complete our Incentives Inquiry Tool!  

Have questions about Economic Development programs?

Staff is available every third Thursday of the month during office hours between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. for questions regarding the City's economic development tools. Join us for our next monthly meeting on JUNE 20 at 3 p.m.
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