City of Dallas offers cooling relief and encourages emergency preparedness

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Communications, Outreach and Marketing Press Release

June 28, 2023


City of Dallas offers cooling relief and encourages emergency preparedness

Dallas – With extreme temperatures forecast across North Texas, the City of Dallas is encouraging residents to conserve and prepare. Public facilities including recreation centers are open during normal business hours for relief from the heat; however, residents are encouraged to call ahead to verify they are open. Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) is providing 18 transit centers as cooling stations for customers looking for ways to stay safe from the excessive heat we are experiencing across the region. A full list of recreation centers, libraries and DART stations open for cooling relief is available here.

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are very real dangers and are preventable when taking precautions during the summer months, especially for the elderly, the very young, and those with chronic illnesses. If you know someone in your family or neighborhood that is vulnerable to heat-related illness, please check on them safely and often.  Protect yourself, family members, and others from the effects of high heat and humidity by taking the following precautions:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Whether working or playing outdoors, find shade and take lots of breaks.
  • Stay indoors, with air conditioning and keep air conditioning at 78 or higher if possible to conserve energy. Keeping blinds closed and using fans will also help conserve energy.
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  • Locate and test emergency supplies available in case of no power. Have enough nonperishable food and water and flashlights with extra batteries for every household member.
  • Use a surge protector for appliances or unplug unused electronics to avoid damage from electrical surges and conserve power.
