Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee to meet March 20 to begin planning for 2026
The Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee will meet online from 2–4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 20. Agenda and meeting details on joining the online meeting are available on the website.
If you wish to give testimony on any topic, including items not on the agenda, please sign up in the way provided at the meeting. A designated public comment time takes place near the beginning of each meeting. People wishing to testify or otherwise present information to the committee are encouraged to:
Notify Roberto Coto 48 hours ahead of time with a written copy of your public comment.
Limit testimony to one to three minutes depending on the number of public comments, recognizing that substance, not length, determines the value of testimony or written information.
To mail comments in, please use this address:
Attn: Roberto Coto, Active Transportation Program Analyst Oregon Department of Transportation 355 Capitol St NE, MS43 Salem, OR 97301
About the Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee
The Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee includes about 15 volunteers appointed by the ODOT director. Members represent various topics and organizations, including health, equity, Safe Routes to School practitioners, school district pupil transportation, the Oregon Department of Education, the League of Oregon Cities, the Association of Oregon Counties, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, each ODOT region, law enforcement, ODOT, small cities, the Oregon Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, and the Oregon Transportation Safety Committee. The committee meets at least quarterly and is charged with recommending projects for funding in ODOT’s Safe Routes to School Construction and Education Grant Programs. The committee advises the Oregon Transportation Commission and ODOT.
For media inquiries, please contact Anna Howe, 503-877-7101.