Southwest Oregon Construction Report for the week of March 2-8, 2025
The following report includes ODOT highways in Josephine, Jackson, Coos, Curry and Douglas counties. Projects are listed in the following order: highway, location, project name. Project construction costs (bid amount) are provided when the information is available.
Pedestrian routes: Where traffic is routed through or around a work zone, pedestrians, including those with disabilities, will also be provided routes through or around the work zone.
Know before you go! Visit for road conditions and traffic cameras or dial 5-1-1. Visit the ODOT website at for more information.
OREGON 241 (Coos River Highway) and OREGON 540 (Cape Arago Highway), Coos Bay area ADA curb ramps ($444,144)
This project will improve pedestrian facilities by building ADA-compliant sidewalk curb ramps at eight intersections in the Coos Bay area. The first intersection is on Coos River Highway (Oregon 241, MP 0.1) at Edwards Road in the Bunker Hill area. The other seven intersections are located along a one-mile stretch of Cape Arago Highway (Oregon 540, MP 4.9-6.1): Windjammer Lane, Dolezal Lane, Spaw Lane, Kellog Lane, Grinnell Lane, Tarheel Blvd. and Miluk Drive.
Watch for intermittent lane and shoulder closures in the project areas. Flaggers will provide traffic control as needed. When sidewalks are closed for construction, alternate pedestrian routes will be provided.
U.S. 101 (Oregon Coast Highway), MP 288-290, Floras Creek Bridge and Willow Creek Bridge repair
This project will repair the U.S. 101 bridges at Floras Creek (MP 288.5) and Willow Creek (MP 290.3) in north Curry County near Langlois. Construction is scheduled for completion in August.
Watch for intermittent lane and shoulder closures as contractors set up their work zones, install traffic control devices and construction signs. Flaggers or automated flagging machines will provide traffic control as needed.
U.S. 101 (Oregon Coast Highway), MP 334.2, Anderson Rockfall project ($2.14 million), website
This project will install protective screening to help prevent rocks from falling into the highway travel lanes at milepost 334.2, about four miles south of Gold Beach.
Watch for intermittent lane closures. Flaggers will provide traffic control as needed. Most delays will be brief, but some could reach 20 minutes.
INTERSTATE 5 (Pacific Highway), MP 89-98, Tree and vegetation removal project ($65,000)
Watch for intermittent shoulder closures in both directions of I-5 between milepost 89 and 97.5 for tree and vegetation removal work. Watch for construction vehicles entering and exiting the work areas. All work is expected to be completed by the middle of March.
INTERSTATE 5 (Pacific Highway), NB Exit 124 on-ramps, Harvard interchange tree and vegetation removal ($30,000)
Watch for intermittent shoulder closures on the two northbound I-5 on-ramps at Exit 124 (Harvard Ave.) for tree and vegetation removal work. Watch for construction vehicles entering and exiting the work areas. All work is expected to be completed by the middle of March.
OREGON 138E (North Umpqua Highway), MP 49, Landslide area
A landslide has occurred along Oregon 138E about ten miles east of Steamboat. Both lanes are currently open, but drivers are advised to slow down in the area as the lanes are narrow.
OREGON 42 (Coos Bay-Roseburg Highway), MP 72-77 (Winston and Green District), Lookingglass Creek to I-5 paving and safety improvements ($11.97 million), website
The project will resurface a five-mile section of Oregon 42 between Winston and Interstate 5, install a new traffic signal at Rolling Hills Road, add safety features to help reduce crashes through the Green District, and upgrade sidewalk curb ramps to better accommodate wheelchair users and other pedestrians. The project is scheduled for completion in September 2026.
Drivers should watch for intermittent lane and shoulder closures through the work zone. When sidewalks are closed for construction, alternate pedestrian routes will be provided.
STEWART PARK DRIVE (Roseburg), Bridge repair ($4.48 million)
This project will paint and repair the Stewart Park Drive Bridge, which spans the South Umpqua River and is located between Fir Grove Elementary School and the Roseburg VA campus. All work on the steel truss bridge is scheduled to be completed in November.
The bridge is closed to motor vehicles. Drivers are advised to use alternate routes. During construction, the bridge will remain open to pedestrians and bicyclists.
OREGON 99 (Rogue Valley Highway), MP 10.2 to 11, Glenwood to Coleman Creek utility work ($12 million)
This project will widen Oregon 99 from East Glenwood Road to Coleman Creek Bridge, improving safety, as well as pedestrian and bicycle accessibility. Other improvements include adding streetlights at four intersections, a new drainage system, and several mid-block pedestrian crossings with flashing beacons.
Watch for intermittent lane closures through the work zone, Monday through Friday.
OREGON 99/OREGON 238/OREGON 62 (Medford), Big X Intersection ($15.9 million), website
This project will replace ADA ramps, repair damaged areas of the road, repave the travel lanes, rehabilitate several bridge decks, improve drainage and provide traffic signal upgrades.
Watch for nighttime (9 p.m. to 6 a.m.) lane closures from Sunday night to Friday morning.
No construction impacts are expected on state highways in Josephine County this week.
For more information:
ODOT projects in Coos, Curry and Douglas counties: Dan Latham, Public Information Officer, 541-817-5200 or
ODOT projects in Josephine and Jackson counties: Mary Dillinger, Public Affairs/Community Affairs Specialist, 541-621-3074 or
## ODOT ##