Northeast Area Commission on Transportation to meet March 6 in La Grande
Feb. 28, 2025
For more information, contact Vicki Moles, 541-620-4527
LA GRANDE - The Northeast Area Commission on Transportation will meet Thursday, March 6, from 9 a.m. to noon Pacific Time. The meeting will be at the Oregon Department of Transportation Region 5 Headquarters, 3012 Island Avenue, La Grande.
The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities, per the Americans with Disabilities Act. The public is invited to attend.
The agenda includes updates regarding state, county and city transportation projects, and other related topics. To connect to the meeting via phone, dial 1-971-277-1965 and enter meeting code 716 690 720#.
An Area Commission on Transportation is an advisory body chartered by the Oregon Transportation Commission to help address all aspects of transportation.
The Northeast Area Commission on Transportation is composed of community leaders and other partners from Morrow, Umatilla, Wallowa, Union and Baker counties, as well as the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.
Time has been set aside for public comments regarding project proposals and other transportation-related topics. To schedule time on the agenda, please contact Sheri Folsom at 541-963-3179.
More information about Area Transportation Commissions is available at
Meeting information can be made available in alternate formats upon request for persons with disabilities. To request alternate formats or for more information about this meeting, please contact Sheri Folsom at 541-963-3179 or Please make requests at least 48 hours before meetings.