The community biked, hiked, and shuttled into the Mitchell Point Tunnel dedication on Saturday to preview the new tunnel and celebrate the Historic Columbia Highway State Trail. Thank you to everyone that made it out to the event!
This email includes the following updates:
- Thank you for celebrating the new Mitchell Point Tunnel!
- Historic Highway construction near Multnomah Falls continues
- ADA curb ramp upgrades begin in Hood River
- 2025 construction projects
Read below for more information and plan ahead by visiting for real-time traffic impacts. Schedules are subject to change and weather dependent.
Thank you for previewing the new Mitchell Point Tunnel with us Saturday!
 Our staff and agency partners throwing their hands up in celebration shortly after cutting the ribbon.
 Community members walking through the tunnel after the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Hundreds of people boarded shuttle buses Nov. 16 to be among the first people to walk through the new Mitchell Point Tunnel and help celebrate the dedication. ODOT, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Federal Highway Administration Western Federal Lands, and other project partners hosted the celebration to give the community an opportunity to preview the tunnel and the new segment of the Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail.
The event featured speakers, including former U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio, a historic car from the original tunnel’s era, information booths and tunnel experts. Following the ribbon cutting, families, neighbors and trail enthusiasts explored the tunnel. Some visitors told stories of traveling through the original tunnel in the 1950s.
Thank you to NW Navigator Luxury Coaches for providing service to the event and to everyone who came out to celebrate with us!
View all the photos on our Flickr page and a video of the event. More information about the Mitchell Point Tunnel, including a podcast series, can also be found online here.
The new trail segment with the tunnel remains under construction. It is expected to be open to the public in late 2024 or early 2025. When it opens, access will be available from I-84 eastbound at Exit 58.
Historic Highway construction near Multnomah Falls continues as crews add structural supports
Crews working on the Historic Highway removed all the old asphalt from the surface and prepared the west viaduct for new structural support screws (as shown above). The Historic Columbia River Highway is closed between Wahkeena Falls and Multnomah Falls until Memorial Day for repairs to the west viaduct.
Work also continues under the east viaduct without impacting traffic. We will close the Historic Highway east of Multnomah Falls beginning fall 2025 for similar repairs.
The repairs will allow the viaducts to continue carrying traffic to Multnomah Falls for years to come. Learn more about the viaduct repairs by watching this video.
ADA curb ramp upgrades begin in Hood River
We are making sidewalk curb ramps safer on U.S. 30 at Cascade Avenue and Oak Street in Hood River by bringing them up to the current standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We are also upgrading sidewalk corners from Mt. Adams Avenue to E 2nd Street and adding a new ramp at some corners. Construction began in November and will continue through summer 2025.
Travelers in Hood River can expect:
- Lane closures on U.S. 30 and side streets, and temporary closures of parking spots and sidewalks with pedestrian detours.
I-84 east McCord Creek Bridge Replacement
Beginning in spring 2025, we will begin construction to replace the aging bridge that carries eastbound I-84 over McCord Creek near Warrendale. Replacing the bridge will eliminate a dip in the roadway and increase safety, earthquake resilience, and the lifespan of the highway.
In 2025, expect around-the-clock lane closures on I-84. Construction will continue in 2026 with impacts to I-84 and the Historic Highway State Trail, including:
- I-84 will be reduced to one lane in each direction using the westbound bridge.
- The interstate will be closed at the bridge for several days.
- A two-month closure of the State Trail with shuttle service between John B. Yeon and Toothrock Trailheads.
We will share more information about this project in advance of traffic impacts.
In preparation for this project, a utility provider is relocating lines on the Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail near McCord Creek through winter 2025. Travelers on the Historic Highway State Trail can expect:
- Flaggers directing people on the trail during daylight hours on weekdays. There are no impacts to I-84 as part of this utility work.
 Bridal Veil bridge repairs to begin in early 2025
Starting as soon as January 2025, we are repairing the Bridal Veil bridge along the Historic Columbia River Highway by restoring the concrete railings and patching exposed rebar on the bottom of the bridge. Once the structural work is complete, a tinted coating will be applied to railings and columns to help blend the appearance of new and old concrete. The bridge railings will then be left alone to allow moss to return naturally, providing the natural Gorge aesthetic people know and love.
One lane of the Bridal Veil bridge will be open to travelers during construction. Expect flaggers directing traffic and up to 20-minute delays once work begins. Construction will occur while the Multnomah Falls west viaduct project is underway.
Nearby project: Hood River County All Roads Transportation Safety
The All Roads Transportation Safety (ARTS) Program identifies intersections where a high concentration of crashes occur and then implements improvements that help reduce these crashes.
An upcoming ARTS project in Hood River County improves safety at 22 locations on OR 281 (Hood River Highway/Tucker Road), OR 282 (Odell Highway) and OR 35 (Mt. Hood Highway). Visit the project website to see a complete list of intersections and their specific improvements.
More information on work scheduled in the coming months and beyond is available on our project website. Stay tuned for more email updates!