Region 1 Area Commission on Transportation seat open

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Region 1 Area Commission on Transportation seeks Active Transportation/ADA accessibility representative

Apply for the role by Nov. 21

Oct. 31, 2024

ODOT Region 1 is seeking a qualified individual to join a regional advisory body focused on transportation issues. This is an opportunity to fill a currently vacant seat representing the perspectives of active transportation users and people with disabilities. Please consider applying to be the Active Transportation/ADA accessibility representative on ODOT’s Region 1 Area Commission on Transportation (R1ACT).

The R1ACT is forum for regional transportation leaders and interested citizens to collaborate on transportation issues affecting the area covered by ODOT Region 1, which includes Washington, Clackamas, Multnomah, and Hood River Counties. The R1ACT provides valuable input and recommendations on some policy and funding decisions of ODOT and the Oregon Transportation Commission.

The R1ACT is looking to fill a currently vacant seat that represents the views and needs of active transportation users and people with disabilities. ODOT’s recruitment for this role is in alignment with state law under HB 2985. This law, passed in 2021, directs ODOT to diversify its advisory committees to reflect the racial, ethnic, and ability composition of Oregon.

Candidates should have regular experience using the region’s active transportation system and a general interest in the region’s transportation future. 


R1ACT members must be willing and able to attend meetings and participate regularly. The R1ACT currently meets the first Monday every other month. Meetings may occur virtually or in an in-person/virtual hybrid format.

The current term of service for this seat is set to expire on June 30, 2027.


Please fill out the application if you’re interested.

ODOT staff from the R1ACT, ODOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, and the Office of Social Equity and Civil Rights will evaluate applications and select a nominee. The nomination will then be forwarded to the full R1ACT membership for approval.

Applications are due by noon Nov. 21, 2024.

Contact the Region 1 ACT staff at with any questions or concerns.