This email includes the following updates:
- Save the date to celebrate the new Mitchell Point Tunnel
- Historic Highway west viaduct repair near Multnomah Falls continues with concrete work
- Upcoming work: ADA curb ramps in Hood River
- Historic Highway State Trail work between Ainsworth State Park and Cascade Locks.
Read below for more information and plan ahead by visiting for real-time traffic impacts. Schedules are subject to change and weather dependent.
 ODOT, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and project partners are dedicating the Mitchell Point Tunnel as part of the Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail.
The finishing touches on this trail segment are weather dependent and some construction activity may continue after the dedication. The dedication event offers an opportunity to preview the tunnel.
Date: Saturday, November 16, 2024
Time: Beginning at 11 a.m.
Getting to the dedication: Transportation to the event will be limited to Columbia Area Transit and shuttles from Viento State Park or Hood River, or walking from Viento State Park using the existing Historic Highway State Trail and a temporary 0.7-mile connection.
We will share more information soon. For now, please mark your calendar.
We're repairing the viaduct located between Wahkeena and Multnomah Falls so it can continue carrying traffic on the Historic Columbia River Highway to the lodge for years to come. We are preserving its appearance by maintaining its original color and stone texture after construction is complete.
 Since the west viaduct closed Oct. 1, crews have removed all the old asphalt from the deck, removed and replaced areas of damaged concrete, and are preparing to construct the new concrete bridge deck. Work also continues under the east viaduct without impact to traffic.
The Historic Highway is closed between Wahkeena and Multnomah Falls until Memorial Day 2025.
- The Wahkeena-Multnomah Falls return trail #442 remains open to hikers.
- Public transit and private buses are available to take you to Multnomah Falls without worrying about available parking. Visit or to find more information about routes, schedules and tickets.
- Vehicles traveling eastbound can access destinations such as Vista House, Bridal Veil and Wahkeena Falls before reaching the closure. Eastbound vehicles are being turned around at the Wahkeena Falls Trailhead, just before reaching Multnomah Falls. There is no access to Multnomah Falls by heading eastbound on the Historic Highway.
- Access to Multnomah Falls via the I-84 parking lot at Exit 31 remains open but available parking spaces may be limited.
- Vehicles traveling westbound can access destinations such as Horsetail Falls and Ainsworth State Park before reaching the closure. Westbound vehicles are being turned around at the Multnomah Falls Lodge.
- I-84 is not impacted by this project.
Learn more about the viaduct repair by watching this video.
Upcoming work: ADA curb ramps in Hood River
We are improving safety and access for all by upgrading sidewalk curb ramps to the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standards on a section of U.S. 30 (Cascade Avenue and Oak Street in Hood River) from Mt. Adams Avenue to E 2nd Street. This will help everyone who uses the sidewalks along the highway.
Construction is scheduled to begin in early November.
Utility work on the Historic Highway State Trail near McCord Creek
We are preparing to replace the aging bridge that carries I-84 east over McCord Creek near Warrendale in 2025-2026. Replacing the bridge will eliminate a dip in the roadway and increase safety, earthquake resilience, and the lifespan of the highway.
In 2024, a utility provider is relocating lines with impacts to the adjacent Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail. Expect flaggers directing trail users periodically on the Historic Highway State Trail near McCord Creek during daylight hours on weekdays. There are no impacts to I-84 as part of this utility work.
More information on work scheduled for 2024 and beyond is available on our project website. Stay tuned for more email updates!