Oct. 21, 2024 For information contact: Vicki Moles, 541-620-4527
The 2024 highway construction project season is coming to a close in eastern Oregon. Some projects will continue into November, so please stay alert and slow down when you see construction signs and orange cones. Watch for crews and equipment.
Read below for information on some of the projects we are working on. Follow the link below for a list of all Region 5 construction projects for 2024. Plan ahead by visiting TripCheck.com for real-time traffic impacts. Schedules are subject to change and depend on the weather.
Updates in this email include:
We're wrapping up construction on two large, multi-year projects.
We have completed the replacement of the 80-year-old Bear Creek Bridge, which began in 2022. We realigned and widened the road to create a gentler curve and smoother traffic flow. We built the new bridge to withstand seismic activity and constructed new bridge foundations outside of the main river channel to reduce the potential for erosion.
Crews will be onsite through October for minor completion tasks. Travelers may see flaggers and single-lane closures during this time.
The Cairo Junction Roundabout is now open. Crews are onsite completing minor tasks, so travelers may see equipment and workers in the area. We do not anticipate any traffic delays. Visit the project webpage for tips on driving through the roundabout.
Crews anticipate completing additional safety improvements on U.S. 20 between Riley and Ontario during the week of October 21. More work is still needed across from the Sage Hen Rest Area at milepost 114. Travelers can expect shoulder closures at this location through at least the end of October.
In 2024, we began construction on multiple projects that will extend into 2025. Two of these multi-year projects include:
U.S. 30: (10th Street) / Hughes Street Upgrades (Baker City) - Crews continue sidewalk and curb ramp upgrades along U.S. 30 (10th Street) between Broadway Street and D Street. Travelers can expect single-lane closures to continue at least through October. Crews will return in 2025 to begin modifications of the intersection at U.S. 30 and Hughes Lane.
U.S. 95: Idaho State Line – McDermitt - Crews have finished resurfacing U.S. 95 between Blue Mountain Pass (milepost 98) and McDermitt (milepost 123). Work is complete for this year except for possible delineator (traffic markers) replacement through November. Crews will return in 2025 to apply chip seal to preserve and extend the life of the highway, and to add rumble strips and permanent striping.
We are happy to announce the completion of two additional projects to bring curb ramps in Region 5 up to ADA standards. One project began this year and will extend into 2025.
Grant County Curb Ramps - Crews have finished work in Canyon City, Dayville, John Day, Long Creek, Mt. Vernon and Prairie City.
Jordan Valley, Ontario, Huntington and Adrian Curb Ramps - Work in all these locations is complete.
Burns and Hines Curb Ramps - Crews are in the process of cleaning up and removing traffic control as work is expected to wrap up for the winter. Travelers can expect flaggers and lane and/or shoulder closures for the next couple of weeks. Crews will return in spring 2025 to finish the remaining work, which includes new curb ramps and curb extensions through downtown Burns. (Photo looking south on Broadway Avenue in Burns.)
I-84: Exit 216 Eastbound off-ramp - All contract work is now complete. Crews remain onsite through October to work on minor completion tasks. Travelers may see lane closures through the end of October.
U.S. 30 Pendleton Signal Upgrade Project Phase 2 - Crews will continue working on the north side of the intersection of SW First Street and SW Dorion Avenue. Remaining work includes installing new signal poles and finishing new sidewalks and curb ramps. Crews are expected to complete this work by the end of October. Crews will then move to SE First Street and SE Court Avenue early November to finish installing drainage features.
Umatilla County Curb Ramps (Pendleton) Phase 2 - Crews continue working along OR 11 (SE Court Avenue) to build new curb ramps and install a rapid flashing beacon at OR 11 and SE 17th Street. Work is expected to continue through October and may extend into the winter as weather allows.
A list of all scheduled highway construction projects in Eastern Oregon for 2024.
