Staff changes in Public Transportation Division and Active Transportation
Oct. 14, 2023
We have exciting news to share! In September, ODOT welcomed Ian Davidson in the role of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager, and LeeAnne Fergason moved into the new role of Senior Active Transportation Policy Analyst. We are excited to have these dedicated staff working to making it easier for Oregonians to walk, bike, roll and take transit throughout our state.
Ian Davidson is coming to ODOT from the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission, where he was the program manager for the state agency's Justice Reinvestment Program. He has experience working in federal, state, and local levels of government. Past positions included time at the Oregon Legislature, Bonneville Power Administration, the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board and the Association of Oregon Counties. Ian is a graduate of Oregon State University’s Master of Public Policy program and has undergraduate degrees from BYU and Highline College. Ian is the father of two daughters, and he raises them with his wife in Salem, where they have lived for the last decade. During his nights, weekends, and early mornings, Ian serves as the co-founder of Salem Bike Vision, the chairperson of the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments, and the board vice president of Cherriots.
LeeAnne Fergason has been with ODOT since 2017. During her time with ODOT, she has developed the Safe Routes to School Construction Grant Program and the Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee and completed several grant solicitations. In 2022, she started working to create and align policy to ODOT’s goals for the Public Transportation Division. In September 2024, her job description was honed to focus on active transportation policy. Before ODOT, LeeAnne worked in conservation, education, and transportation focused nonprofits in Oregon and Arizona. LeeAnne grew up in Texas but is proud to call Oregon her home since 2007. She lives in southeast Portland and enjoys reading, backpacking with her spouse and petting all the friendly dogs in the park during work breaks.
Ian and LeeAnne are very excited to be working together to get you where you need to go by foot, bike, scooter, and mobility device. They can be reached at and
Learn more about ODOT’s bicycle and pedestrian programs: