Pre-Application is open for Innovative Mobility funding opportunities!

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Submit a pre-application by Oct. 25 for competitive grant funding!

Person putting bike on bus bike rack

The Innovative Mobility Program is now accepting pre-applications for two competitive grant opportunities. These grants are designed to fund shared mobility projects that improve access to public and active transportation for historically underserved groups. If you are interested in applying for grant funding, you must submit a pre-application by 5 p.m. on Oct. 25, 2024. Read the highlights below, review the Grant Guidance, or sign up for an information webinar 

What grants are available?

  • Study and Assessment Grants (Non-Infrastructure): These grants will support communities in conducting assessments to better understand their transportation needs and identify gaps in the system. They can also be used to conduct shared mobility feasibility studies or plan for the development of a new shared mobility service. These grants are funded with federal dollars and will require a 10.27% match. Applicants can apply for up to $200,000 in grant funds per project (not including match). 
  • Pilot Grants: These grants will support the piloting of new shared mobility services that meet an identified community need. These grants are funded with state dollars and will require a 10.27% match, with some exceptions. (See Grant Guidance for details.) Applicants can apply for up to $200,000 in grant funds per project (not including match). 

What entities are eligible to apply?

  • Local, regional, Tribal, and state government agencies (excluding the Oregon Department of Transportation),
  • Public schools, school districts, colleges, and universities,
  • Transportation providers, and
  • Nonprofits with 501(c) status or organizations with fiscal sponsorship from a nonprofit with 501(c) status. 

What is the pre-application and why is it required?

The pre-application is a short form that allows interested entities the opportunity to briefly describe their project concept. Program staff will review pre-applications to confirm entity and project eligibility. The goal is to make sure that applicants do not invest time and resources on a full proposal if the entity is ineligible to receive funds or if the proposed project may not be eligible. 

How can I get more information?

To learn more about the Study and Assessment Grants and Pilot Grants, please review the Grant Guidance. The Grant Guidance provides details on funding eligibility, match requirements, grant expectations, and information on the selection and scoring process for both grant opportunities. 

You may also join us for a webinar on Oct. 1 from 1-2:00 p.m. to learn more. Registration is required. We will have a recording of the event for those unable to attend. Program staff will also host office hours between Oct. 2 and Oct. 24. Sign-up is required.  

What's next?

Be sure to submit a pre-application by 5 p.m. on Oct. 25, 2024! (You may submit more than one pre-application.)  Program staff will screen each pre-application for eligibility and will follow up with the applicant within 10 business days with information about the applicant’s and the proposed project’s eligibility. Information about how to submit a full proposal will be shared Oct. 28. 


Contact the Innovative Mobility Program team at

About the Innovative Mobility Program

The Innovative Mobility Program is a new initiative designed to increase social equity and mobility while reducing the effects of climate change. The program is funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, as well as State of Oregon dollars. It was created in 2022 at the direction of the Oregon Transportation Commission and has a total of $20 million for grants, contracts and administration.

We're seeking a Climate Specialist and Federal Fund Program Analyst!

Are you passionate about improving transportation options and reducing emissions? Know someone who is? ODOT is looking to hire a Climate Specialist and a Federal Fund Program Analyst.

These two positions are housed in the Policy and Strategic Investment Unit within the Public Transportation Division.

  • Operations & Policy Analyst 3 – Climate Specialist | The position closes Oct. 23. External Link
  • Program Analyst 3 – Federal Fund Program Analyst | The position closes Oct. 21. External Link