January 3, 2024
Dear Safe Routes to School enthusiasts,
We are pleased to announce the opening of our Safe Routes to School grant opportunities! We will be accepting applications February 12 through March 25 for three Safe Routes to School Programs, each of which uniquely helps communities better address barriers to students walking and rolling to school. More details regarding application and grant priorities to be shared in future announcements before application opens on February 12.
SRTS Construction Technical Assistance
As in previous cycles, communities can apply for Planning Assistance. Those that have completed SRTS Plans — or the equivalent — can now apply for additional technical assistance. Apply February 12 through March 25.
Planning Assistance Description: This service provides you with consultant resources and results in the creation of a locally adopted Safe Routes to School Plan that prioritizes solutions to addressing barriers to students walking and rolling to school. Tribes, cities, counties and school districts are welcome to apply. This service is available for up to 20 school communities!
Engineering Assistance Description: This service consists of technical support to communities to design priority infrastructure projects for pedestrian and bicycle transportation, including: design/engineering services, assessments (e.g., hydrology, soil, lighting, feasibility), plans (e.g., striping, earthwork, demolition), and analysis (e.g., traffic, code, signal warrants). This service will be available to 6 communities.
Surface Treatments Description: This service provides design and installation of easy-to-install, low-cost infrastructure projects such as restriping crosswalks, painted curb extensions and flexible posts. This service will be available to up to 5 communities.
SRTS Education Grants
This program has about $2 million in available funding. Apply February 12 through March 25.
Description: This grant helps communities grow capacity to engage students, parents and communities in educational programs like bicycle and pedestrian classes and events like Walk+Roll to School celebrations. Tribes, government entities, school districts and non-profits are welcome to apply.
SRTS Competitive Construction Grants
This program has about $26 million in available funding. Apply for Part 1 February 12 through March 25. (Note: Part 2 opens early May)
Description: Are you ready to build sidewalks and crossings for students to walk and roll safely to school? This grant provides state funds to build safety projects within a two-mile radius of schools to address barriers to students walking and rolling to school. Tribes, cities, counties and ODOT regions are welcome to apply.
- After March 25, staff will share scoring information about all the submissions for Part 1, so applicants can see how their project will likely compete when they complete their application with Part 2. Part 2 of the application will require much more detailed information about the project, schedule and budget.
We here at ODOT are happy to offer application assistance!
Webinar: a recording will be available in the next couple of weeks providing applicants with details and tips!
Office Hours: Log into program manager office hours on Thursdays starting February 15 through March 21 from 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. for additional assistance.
The Safe Routes to School program is helping us carry out our Strategic Action Plan priorities of equity and a modern transportation system for Oregon. We are excited to see all the great applications that come in!
With much gratitude, Xao and Heidi
Xao Posadas, Safe Routes to School Construction Program Manager, Posadas@odot.oregon.gov
Heidi Manlove, Safe Routes to School Education, Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program Manager, HManlove@odot.oregon.gov