November update: Construction on I-84 winds down for the season
Construction work is wrapping up for the 2023 season between Interstate 205 and Hood River. Project updates in this email include:
Read below for more information and plan ahead by visiting for real-time traffic impacts. Schedules are subject to change and weather dependent.
Thank you for your patience! We finished paving I-84 in east Portland and repairing a landslide near Multnomah Falls
Paving, resurfacing, and bridge repair is now complete on I-84 between Interstate 205 and Marine Drive (exit 17). Over the next several weeks, we will finish reconfiguring the NE 238th intersection with two dedicated left turn lanes and adding new accessible sidewalk curb ramps at the NE 122nd Avenue on-ramp to I-84.
 View from the air above I-84 looking down on ramps before and after paving and new concrete surfacing was finished (images from 2022 and 2023).
We also finished installing culverts under the Historic Highway and I-84 one mile west of Multnomah Falls after debris flows occurred in 2021. The two new culverts drain stormwater off the steep slope and away from the roadways.
Routine lane closures and travel delays related to these projects have finished, but you may see crews picking up materials and cleaning up the sites over the coming weeks on the shoulder of the highway. Thank you for your patience while we finished this work over the last year!
State Trail work continues through the winter at the Mitchell Point Tunnel
 Looking out one of the arched windows inside the Mitchell Point Tunnel.
Construction will continue this winter on the Mitchell Point Tunnel segment of the Historic Highway State Trail before finishing the project in spring 2024.
Travelers on I-84 can expect the following until construction is finished:
- I-84 East Exit 58 to remain closed for construction of the Mitchell Point Tunnel.
Hood River intersection improvement project: Cascade Avenue at Rand Road continues this winter
Construction continues on U.S. 30 (Cascade Avenue) at Rand Road in Hood River to align the north and south roads of the intersection and install a new signal to improve safety and accessibility.
The intersection has been realigned and the new ADA ramp on the northeast corner is complete.
We are working at the northwest, southeast and southwest corners using wooden forms for new, accessible curb ramps and sidewalk, and pouring concrete. We're continuing to work with utility providers to relocate lines. Next, we will upgrade the street lighting and install a new traffic signal.
Work will continue through the winter as weather allows.
Travelers can expect:
- Lane closures on Cascade Avenue.
- Signed and accessible pedestrian detours.
TriMet's “A Better Red” project affects I-84 and I-205 travel in east Portland
TriMet’s A Better Red Project is extending the MAX Red Line west and improving system reliability. The project requires:
- Nighttime lane closures and shoulder closures on I-84 and I-205.
- Periodic closures of Exit 7 to Halsey Street from I-84 east.
More information on work scheduled for 2024 and beyond is available on our project website. Stay tuned for more email updates!