Innovative Mobility Program update
October 18, 2023
What is the Innovative Mobility Program?
The Innovative Mobility Program is a new initiative at ODOT that aims to improve historically underserved communities’ access to public and active transportation. Program goals also include reducing the number of trips Oregonians make by car and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The program was created by a directive from the Oregon Transportation Commission as a demonstration initiative. The OTC allocated $10 million in federal funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and an additional $10 million in state funds to be used for grants, contracts, and program administration.
Through June 2023, the IMP awarded over 60 microgrants (grants up $5,000), totaling more than $300,000. These funds helped support:
- Purchase of safety gear, such as helmets, locks and lights.
- Events and educational activities, such as bike rodeos and community outreach.
- Reduced and free transit fares.
- Micromobility lending libraries and shares.
- Other innovative projects that make it easier to walk and roll, share rides, or take transit in an equitable and sustainable manner.
What is happening with the Innovative Mobility Program?
Over the past several months, we have been working to confirm the activities and expenses that will be eligible for funding through the IMP. Because of the innovative nature of the types of projects we hope to fund, this process has taken longer than anticipated, so we have extended the program’s timeline. The IMP is still fully funded, and the structure of the program is the same—we plan to support underserved communities’ access to transportation through microgrants, competitive grants and contracts.
Are the microgrants still open?
The microgrant program is temporarily on pause while we work to streamline administrative processes and make program improvements that will benefit applicants. We plan to reopen the microgrant application in 2024.
What is the status of the large grants?
ODOT will not open the large grants for application this year. We extended the timeline and plan to issue the first solicitation for large grants in 2024. We apologize for the delay.
Is the funding still available?
Yes, the IMP is fully funded, but the timeline for the program’s grants will change.
Thank you for your continued patience while we work to create this new initiative, and we will be in touch soon with additional information. If you have any questions, you can contact us at