Find Data for Montana Schools & Districts
Have you ever wondered how many students complete driver education in a school year? Do you think your school is charging too much for the program, or not enough? Are you entering negotiations and need data to back up your wage increase proposal? All this information, and more, can be found in the OPI GEMS database.
The GEMS system houses financial data for several school programs. The data can be used to compare school systems across the state. The newest information published is for the 2022-2023 school year. The most recent data has not yet been released. If you are unfamiliar with the system, you can review the central navigation chart for the Traffic Education Dashboard.
To navigate to the GEMS Data Warehouse, access it through the Traffic Education website at www.opi.mt.gov/drivered. Next, scroll down to Driver Education Forms & Reports. Select Gems Data Warehouse.
Once there, scroll to the bottom of School Programs to find Traffic Education. Teacher pay information can be found under Finance and Traffic Education Teachers. From there, the information can be extracted by selecting More Options, Export Data.
Then, choose Data with Current Layout. See the inserted graphics for more information.
For convenience and ease of access, open the TEDRS Traffic Education Statewide Summary 2024 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. The 2022-2023 Teacher Salary data for traffic education teachers can also be downloaded.
Contact the Traffic Education Office with questions about state-approved traffic education programs in Montana, becoming a state-approved traffic educator, attending a Montana DRIVE Workshop, or for parent and teen driver education resources.
Call (406) 444-4432 or visit http://opi.mt.gov/DriverEd
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