New! USDA Flexibilities to Allow SFSP Until as Late as December 31, 2020

On August 31, 2020 USDA extended multiple nationwide Summer Food Service Program waivers. These extensions mean that districts operating USDA Child Nutrition Programs may have options for feeding students up until as late as December 31, 2020. 

  • Districts may be able to choose to operate the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Please note that each program has different regulations and meal counting/claiming requirements. Districts must have an approved MAPS agreement with OPI School Nutrition Programs to operate and claim meals for either program.
  • New! Here is a helpful resource on Meal Program Options for Fall of 2020.
  • The first step for districts interested in operating the SFSP is to complete the School Year SFSP Form. Once this form is submitted, you will receive a call from your regional specialist to determine next steps.
  • Free and Reduced-Price School Meal Application and Direct Certification
    • Continue to collect free and reduced-price school meal applications and check for eligible students in the Direct Certification (DCA) System.
    • Although districts have the option to operate SFSP, it is important to continue collecting income eligibility information.
  • SFSP Area Eligibility
    • The Summer Food Service Program Area Eligibility waiver was extended by the USDA until December 31. This means that school sites that are not located in typically eligible locations can apply for the waiver.
    • The State agency may approve an area eligibility waiver request from a school if there is a demonstrated need, such as an increase in children eligible for benefits due to the economic impacts of COVID-19.

The OPI School Nutrition Programs will provide more guidance as soon as possible. We look forward to working with program operators to provide meals in a safe and accessible manner, either through the NSLP or the SFSP. Please contact your regional specialist with questions.