Statement on 5/30 Shootings at W 22nd St and Blaisdell Ave

Council Member Aisha Chughtai

May 31, 2024

Statement on 5/30 Shootings at W 22nd St and Blaisdell Ave


Like many of you, Whittier is my home. Last night, three people tragically lost their lives to gun violence in our neighborhood at the W 22nd St and Blaisdell Ave intersection. I’m heartbroken for their families and loved ones, who are first and most deeply impacted by this loss. 

22nd and Blaisdell is one of the most diverse and densely populated communities in our neighborhood, meaning thousands of residents were traumatized by the violence outside their homes and directly impacted by the immediate aftermath.

Neighbors were the first to hear gunfire and call for help. Dozens of police officers surrounded the immediate area, searched through residents’ apartments, and closed off access to the perimeter – this is a very difficult thing for a community to experience. Many residents came home to find crime scene tape closing off access to their home. For those who experienced this yesterday, I am so sorry. No matter what you’re feeling, know you’re not alone. 

These experiences are not normal. Massive law enforcement presence, helicopters overhead, and gun violence should not be normalized. We all deserve safety in our homes and communities. We deserve to be treated with dignity and care when our safety is violated. 

I’ve spoken to several friends, loved ones, and constituents who live in the area. I’ve seen firsthand accounts from residents circulating in the news and online. Our community experienced a significant trauma last night, and all of us will continue to feel the impact of what happened in the days and weeks to come. 

Since yesterday evening, I’ve been in near constant communication with other City leaders. We still don’t have information about what led to the violence, the details of what took place in response, or how long the investigation will take. Our community wants and deserves answers; I’m going to continue to be in touch with all of the jurisdictions assisting in completing a thorough investigation. People who lived in our community violently died here. Some are still fighting for their lives right now. We deserve clear answers on how and why this happened, I share and understand that urgency. As hard as it may feel, we can’t jump to conclusions, even while speculation and misinformation are rampant. You have my commitment that as more facts emerge, I will share with you everything I can.

For now my office’s focus will remain the two families who are still waiting to hear news of their loved ones who sustained life threatening injuries yesterday, and are currently receiving care at Hennepin County Medical Center. I know we are all keeping them and their families in our hearts as they navigate this terrifying time.

In solidarity, 

Aisha Chughtai

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