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And the winner for the snowplow naming contest is...
The winning name from the 2024 snowplow naming contest is "CTRL + SALT + DELETE" submitted by resident Sarah Fiedler.
This fall, residents submitted 164 snowplow name suggestions. These were whittled down by public works staff to the top 10, which were put up for a vote on the city’s website and social media pages in October. Almost 700 votes were cast. CTRL + SALT + DELETE, with 170 votes, edged out second-place finisher "Snowtorious B.I.G." by only nine votes.
The winning name was already applied to the side of a city snowplow and Fiedler, or someone she chooses, will have a chance to ride in the plow this winter and take a tour of the Municipal Service Center.
This was the city’s second snowplow naming contest. Last year’s winner went to The Big Snowplowski, submitted by Rebecca Thelen. The next snowplow naming contest will be held in fall 2025.
Thank you to everyone who submitted snowplow names and to those who voted.
Make sure to look outside next time the plows are out to see if you can spot the newly named snowplow!