This month’s featured property is located in Crystal Falls. This beautiful wooded lot is located in the city on South First Street and features 55,000+ square feet of property.

Crystal Falls, like so many communities in the Upper Peninsula, started from the early mining and timber explorations. Here's a look at some of the other area features that make this property a real catch.
- Located in Iron County, you will find that it is close to five of Michigan’s best Blue Ribbon Trout Streams, 250 lakes and 200 miles of rivers.
- Iron County provides 250 miles of groomed snowmobile trails.
- Crystella Ski Hill is run by the Crystal Falls Lions Club and promotes a sense of community and family fun.
- Harbour House Museum highlighting life in the early 1900’s, a mining/logging/railroad exhibit and a children's room to name a few.
Review our valuation guidelines for assistance in submitting a reasonable offer.
Click here to apply for this property and search for others.
The State Land Bank received 55 proposals representing 50 counties in the State of Michigan during Round 1 of the Blight Elimination Program. 35 proposals were presented by local land banks and 20 proposals from counties, townships and/or municipalities. Over half of the proposals have been reviewed and additional information is being collected from the respondents. A total of 12 applicants have completed the process and will be receiving award letters shortly if they haven’t already.
Many guaranteed funds for local land banks and rural counties did not have proposals submitted. Those funds will remain guaranteed into Round 2. However, if no proposals are received, the funds will be rolled into the competitive portion of funding in Round 2.
Communities engaging in demolition activities are required to participate in demolition training. Virtual training sessions have been scheduled beginning March 17. Five sessions are available so grantees can attend one that fits in their schedule. The training session includes important information on documentation required and processes to utilize as a best practice. View the Required Demolition Training sessions for Blight Elimination Grant Awardees.
At their recent January meeting, the Board of Directors for the State Land Bank set the following schedule for their 2023 meetings:
- March 29, 2:00 pm
- June 28, 2:00 pm
- September 27, 2:00 pm
- December 6, 2:00 pm
Location of each meeting will be announced on our website at