The State Land Bank Authority (SLBA) is pleased to announce a partnership with the Michigan Association of Land Banks (MALB) to deliver information directly to local land bank officials and non-land bank county jurisdictions about the recently announced blight elimination grant program to help revitalize communities and grow the economy.
The funding allows for the demolition and stabilization of vacant residential, commercial and industrial properties that meet the definition of blight. It also can be used as match or gap funding for environmental remediation and related, limited site preparation. Applicants may request up to 8% administrative funds to oversee the project.
The MALB will be reaching out to connect local officials to a SLBA staff contact, who will provided information as needed on qualified properties and activities for this unique grant opportunity.
 Van Buren County Land Bank Selected as First Awardee of Grant Funds
Van Buren County Land Bank (VBCLB) has been selected as the first blight elimination grant awardee, utilizing the funding to stabilize a mixed-use building in downtown Hartford. This property is earmarked for redevelopment in 2023. With the help of these dollars, the structure will be ready for the next phase of development.
“I applaud the SLBA for their leadership in making this grant funding available and easily attainable for communities and land banks of all sizes with varying degrees of resources and capacity,” said Trisha Nesbitt, Executive Director of the VBCLB “The simple application process ensures access to funding so that we may continue our work to revitalize communities and foster economic development.”
County and city land banks can submit their applications anytime before Jan. 31, 2023. Applications will be reviewed within 30 days.
Five Industrial Efforts Underway in Detroit
The recent budget also included funding for specific blight elimination projects across the state, including $25 million in earmarked funds to assist with blight elimination and site preparation for five industrial opportunities.
The SLBA is pleased to announce that the City of Detroit has executed the grant agreement for their earmarked funds to complete abatement and demolition, prepare infrastructure for new uses and redesign right of ways for new opportunities.
To learn more about the SLBA's efforts to improve communities across Michigan and apply for the grant, visit