Shiatown Dam Removal and Restoration Update
On April 29, a commemoration ceremony was held at Shiatown Park to celebrate the completion of the Shiatown Dam Removal Project that began back in 2003. The State Land Bank Authority has held partial ownership of the property the dam sat on which allowed limited liability and created a pathway for the removal of the dangerous structure.
The State Land Bank Authority's Operations Director, Jeff Huntington, recognized Gary Burk for his continued leadership and inspirational commitment to the project. Mr. Burk has been instrumental in pursuing the required permits and providing oversight of the dam removal process.
The SLBA also recognized the Friends of the Shiawasse River for being an invaluable partner in the successful removal of the Shiatown Dam and providing safe recreational opportunities along the Shiawassee River. With this organization’s commitment and vision, this project has resulted in a valuable resource for residents, visitors and future generations.
“All of us at the State Land Bank Authority applaud the efforts of local river enthusiasts and the Friends of the Shiawassee River for their efforts to transform this neglected and dangerous property to a natural, scenic wonder for the entire community to enjoy,” said Jeff Huntington, SLBA’s Operations Director.
A total of 90 trees and 90 shrubs have been added to the park site thanks to a grant from the Saginaw Bay Watershed Initiative Network. In addition, a kayak and canoe launch has been created and the Durand Rotary Club installed a new bathroom at the launch site.
As part of the Shiawassee River Trail, the Shiawassee River is quickly reverting to a natural and scenic environment providing paddlers, as well as anglers of all ages, a diverse and serene experience.
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