This month’s featured property is located at 87 Stevens Avenue in Highland Park. This residential, double lot measures 92’ x 102’. It is only six minutes from a future Amazon hub and in close proximity to major thoroughfares, shopping and a golf course. Just down the street is Palmer Park Playground and a splash pad. This property is ready to welcome a new home and a new family.
If this particular property doesn’t suit your needs, the State Land Bank owns over 300 vacant, residential lots in Highland Park. Individual buyers and developers are all welcome to purchase properties through the State Land Bank Authority. Our team is ready to discuss your needs and options.
Available Properties
The State Land Bank Authority has more than 2,600 properties available for purchase statewide. Our property search feature provides a streamlined approach to searching, mapping and even applying for State Land Bank owned property online. Visit Michigan.gov/landbank to learn more.