This month’s featured property is 388 S Anderson in Pontiac. This vacant property encompasses three lots and measures 120 feet wide by 115 feet deep. Located with easy access to public transit and two parks, it is an excellent candidate for a new single-family home or, with rezoning, a duplex home.
Additionally, this property is located in an Opportunity Zone which comes with certain tax incentives. The State Land Bank is happy to partner with a housing developer interested in this site as part of a larger infill scattered-site housing plan that would incorporate use of Brownfield TIF (local only) via the City of Pontiac’s Brownfield Redevelopment Authority. If you or someone you know is a small-scale developer interested in building a duplex here, check out the Incremental Development training on small scale development Thursday, Nov. 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Click here for more details.
Interested buyers should review our valuation guidelines for assistance in submitting a reasonable offer. Click here to apply.