Respiratory Season: Immunizations for Infants and Adolescents Webinar

Commissioner Lambrew letterhead

To: Maine Immunization Providers

From: Maine Immunization Program (MIP)

Subject: Respiratory Season: Immunizations for Infants and Adolescents Webinar

Date: December 1, 2023


MIP is pleased to host an educational lunch and learn on Thursday, December 14, 2023 @ 12 PM, to discuss Respiratory Season: Immunizations for infants and adolescents webinar. This one-hour webinar will dive into the COVID-19 vaccines available this season through the Maine Immunization VFC Program. We will also discuss RSV and Flu recommendations for the 2023-2024 respiratory season. The webinar will include a presenter from MIP’s education team; representatives from both Moderna and Pfizer's medical teams to discuss pediatric/adolescent COVID-19 vaccines and a medical science liaison from AstraZeneca to discuss Flu-Mist. We will include the most up-to-date recommendations as well as disease prevention, allowing time for Q&A at the end. 

Please join us for this exciting opportunity to learn more about which respiratory vaccines are available this season through MIP.

Maine Immunization Program is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Respiratory Season - Immunizations for Infants and Adolescents Webinar

Time: Dec 14, 2023 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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