Nature Note 84: Blooming Now - In Woodlands

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Nature Note

Blooming Now - In the Woodlands

Fringed polygala in bloom in a woodland. Photo by Jocelyn Hubbell.

Fringed polygala in bloom. All if a few inches high, look for this flower where dappled light reaches the forest floor.

Rue anemone, a woodland flower. Photo by Jocelyn Hubbell.

Rue anemone is a delicate woodland flower.

Canada mayflower and bellwort

Canada mayflower on left and bellwort on the right. Look closely at the bellwort. Do you see who else is there?

Foamflower in a woodland.

Foam flower is a beautiful woodland flower. The seeds are important food for birds.

Starflower spreads by rhizomes across the forest floor.

Starflower spreads across the forest floor by rhizomes.

Closeup of blueberry flowers.

Blueberry bushes are also in bloom now in southern maine forests.

Woodland flowers are a special find any time of year, but the annual show of spring ephemerals can be especially rewarding were they find the appropriate habitat and spread across large areas of the forest floor.  Once summertime's hot temperatures arrive the show will be over, so get out soon to look for these little wonders that brighten the forest floor.

Learn more in back issues of Nature Note:

  • Blueberry - Issue 9
  • Fringed polygala - Issue 5
  • Starflower - Issue 5
  • Jack in the Pulpit - Issue 6

You never know who may visit while you are in the woods. Below is a photo of a dragonfly that visited me while I was photographing flowers.

Dragonfly resting on the forest floor.

A dragonfly resting on the forest floor. You never know what wonders you will find, or may find you, when you are exploring the woods!

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