Forwarded Message At the Request of ParkView Health and the parents of Maverik Lowe

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1451 N. Eel River Cemetery Road 
Peru, IN 46970

FOR RELEASE: Upon Receipt


Sgt. Tony Slocum
Public Information Officer





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This is being forwarded for and at the request of Parkview Health and the parents of Maverik Lowe. I have no further information. This is a public event but a private and personal family matter to them. Thank you for your concern and sensitive coverage of this tragic event. Sgt. Tony Slocum

Statement from the parents of Maverik Lowe:


“We would like to thank those who have prayed for our family and the families of those involved in yesterday’s tragedy. Maverik is currently in stable condition. Our family is focused on his recovery at this time and requests privacy as we heal together.”


Additional note to media from Parkview Health:


At the family’s request, Maverik Lowe’s health information has been listed as confidential. At this time, further updates on his condition will be unavailable to media. Additionally, any requests for information should be submitted directly to the Parkview Health Marketing and Communications Department. The Lowe family has requested that media not contact them directly.


Thank you,


Jessica Foor

Communications Director | Parkview Health