City launches storm water pipe evaluations with summer interns
CARMEL, IN - City Engineering Department summer interns are fanning out across Carmel to conduct storm water pipe evaluations. They may come to your door and might be accessing utility easements on your property. Both interns will be wearing neon vests with "City of Carmel Engineering" on the back and be driving a City of Carmel vehicle.
Storm water pipes collect and carry rain from our neighborhoods to local creeks and streams. It is important to evaluate them to ensure there are no leaks and that water is moving through them appropriately. These efforts help keep our streams and waterways clean.
Some of these pipes might run right through your backyard. We will be using our best effort to stay within the limits of drainage easements on private property to complete the evaluations. These easements allow City personnel access to the storm system above and below the ground. We apologize for any inconvenience that this access may cause. During this time, you may get a knock on your door to let you know we are in the area.
If you have any questions or concerns about this evaluation, please contact the Engineering Department at (317) 571-2441.