04/21/2020 County of San Diego Board of Supervisors Regular and Special District Agendas

You are subscribed to receive the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors meeting agendas.  Attached are the following agendas for the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 2020: 

  • Board of Supervisors Regular Agenda
  • Air Pollution Control Board Agenda
  • Flood Control District Agenda
  • In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Agenda
  • Redevelopment Successor Agency Agenda
  • Sanitation District Agenda


Board of Supervisors Meeting Public Participation

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency, the County of San Diego has made several changes to Board of Supervisors meetings to protect the public's health and prevent the disease from spreading. Per the Governor’s executive order to stay home, in person participation at Board of Supervisors meetings is not allowed at this time. You may participate in the meetings via teleconference instead of attending in person. Please see the information posted online and linked below for ways to voice your opinion on agenda items.


Supporting documentation (including attachments) is available for viewing on the Clerk of the Board's Agenda Webpage. To access this documentation, select the highlighted Board Meeting date on the Board of Supervisors Agenda Calendar. For information about the Board of Supervisors meetings, please visit the Meeting Information page. If you experience technical difficulties, please contact us at (619) 531-5434.