Public Notices: Loudwire Materials LLC (F032129/A0017485)

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Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality

Public Notices: January 18, 2025




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The Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve the following requests:

Loudwire Materials LLC (F032129, P0039643):  

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE: In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Loudwire Materials LLC to construct the Sherman Hills Quarry, a fifteen (15) acre granite quarry, which will include crushing, screening, exposed acreage, stockpiling, blasting, and haul activity. The Sherman Hills Quarry is located in the SW¼ of Section 36, T13N, R72W, approximately twenty (20) miles south-southeast of Laramie, in Albany County, Wyoming. The applicant estimates an annual production rate of 100,000 tons per year. No hot mix asphalt plants or concrete batch plants are planned for this site.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F032129 and permit number P0039643 under permits. This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Albany County Library, Laramie, Wyoming. Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Albany County Clerk’s Office, Laramie, Wyoming. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, special assistance or alternate formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784. Please reference A0017485 in your comment. Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website ( Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record. All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 18, 2025 will be considered in the final determination on this application. A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator
sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests. Para español, visite

                   Please note that the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Cheyenne Office has moved. 
                                                                               The new address is:

                                                                               200 West 17th Street
                                                                              Cheyenne, WY 82002